Fish Fanatic
Well boys and girls, a web cam would be sweet! Anyone have one they want to give me?
If i had one ide give you it in a heartbeat. And make a stipulation that all your videos be at LEAST 5 minutes long
Sorry to hear about your pinhole leaks, there's not much to do about those other then clean them up and coat over, Just make sure that when you sand those drips down the dust doesn't stay in any of the pinholes or you could end up back down there for the what, 5th time now? lol. Also, if i were standing next to you while you were talking about the sheets of wood moving to cause the cracks, i would have nodded and agreed, but isn't that sheet along the back (i call it bigback when im talking about your videos to the misses) butted right to the wall, well, to the framing which is directly pressing on the wall of the room? It shouldnt move much more then a few MM of compression. Then again, i could be wrong about everything.
Either way, keep it up, and call out of work sick so we can watch some more videos!
-Chairman Wood