Making A Fish More Secure?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2007
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As many of you are aware, I keep three Silver Dollars. One of them is the size of a plate, the other two are still pretty small.

Like most Silver Dollars, they are nervous and skittish fish, especially our big Dollar. When he gets scared he will literlly start swimming like mad all over the tank and will swim full-force right into the tank walls. One of the last times he did this he banged up his nose really bad to the point where it was an open wound and we had to go out and buy Melafix (which, granted we haven't used yet since our carbon was brand new. We're trying to wait until its time to change the carbon since the Melafix bottle says to remove it during treatment). His nose starts looking better, and then he gets scared, bashest it on the tank wall and makes it worse again. Anyway, today I went to gravel vac the tank and he got scared when he saw the gravel vac in the tank. He went and hid in one of our plants, but not until he'd bashed his nose on the side of the tank again. Since he still hasn't come out from behind the plant in the back of the tank, I haven't been able to asses the damage he's done to his nose this time.

I know this is part of his survial instinct, and a Silver Dollar trait to be very jumpy, but is there anyway to make him feel more least so he'll stop slamming himself into the tank walls when he panics. Our tank is 75 gallon and has fake plants (so they don't eat them), and imitation driftwood to act as hiding places. The tank is located in a place of moderate travel. The Silver Dollar seems to get scared when I use the gravel vac, when someone walks by the tank, and sometimes he seems to get scared for no reason. I've noticed that if we walk past the tank slowly and make sure that he sees us before we walk by, he usually won't get scared.

My main concern isn't the fact that he's getting scared, but that he's panicking so much that he's injuring himself. I've had some people suggest to me that I should cover the sides of the tank with aqurium background so that the fish can tell there's a "dead end" there, and that since the paper would take away the clearness of the glass, it wouldn't look like the tank just kept going and going. Then, only the front side of the tank would be visible for viewing. I'm not sure if this would work though, or if it would just make things worse if he couldn't see us coming to walk by.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
he needs to be in a bigger group of dollars closer to his size
Yup that and only that .... add more Silver dollars.

Non predatory fish seem to adopt one of two ways to feel secure, they either shoal and school together OR they hide in rocks and plants etc, the only ones that I know that feel secure in open water are the predators that are going to decimate a community tank.

If you were near me in the UK you could have my two Silver Dollars both 4 to 5" at least, they are a pain in the butt for much the same reasons as yours. The problem is when they get spooked all the OTHER fish get spooked too, their stupid behaviour disrupts the whole damn tank.

I was told that if I put 6 or 7 in the tank they would calm down but I don't like them that much since they prevent me having a planted tank - i tried but it got to be just an expensive way to feed Silver Dollars. I only have 2 because I thought the 1 I 'inherited' needed a little company of his own kind, now I have two potential silver missiles in the tank.

Once they go or shuffle off this mortal life never will I keep this species of fish again.
Would it be possible for me to fit two other Silver Dollars in my 75 tank without overstocking?

Currnetly in my tank there is:

3 Silver Dollars
1 Sailfin Pleco
1 Angelfish
5 Zebra Danios
1 Little Scale Knife
1 Marble Hatchetfish

I was wanting to buy one more Angelfish and one or two other Hatchetfish at some point, but if its more important to get more Dollars (assuming I can without overstocking), I'll get them first and then worry about Angelfish and Hatchetfish.

One other question, will Silver Dollars shoal with similar species like Red Hooks?

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