Major Tank Death :(

Lol. I've emptied the sand as best I can. Put new in. Put rock and water in - filters running, it's half full.

Just waiting for it all to settle - then going to re-scape and fill up. Then add coral tonight. I'll start a new journal soon :(
If it were me, I would not start a new journal. But that's up to you...

Good luck on the cleaning process. And you still don't know what happened? That's so strange...

Well, if "Endor" went on to greater things after it's catastrophe, I've got full confidence that your system will bounce back better than ever...

Watch the "p" word, gentlemen, it's a family forum.

We may have different words mean different things across the pond. Pecker is another word for the male member in the US. :lol:
We may have different words mean different things across the pond. Pecker is another word for the male member in the US. :lol:
yes it does, which reminds me of a time a few years back when i got banned from an AOL chatroom for saying i was gonna go smoke a fag....... this expression has extremely different meanings either side of the pond :crazy:

Do u mean pecker?doesnt it mean nose?im confused :/

hope everything goes ok lewis!
ah.... the innocence of youth :lol:
Thanks Liz, not sure what happened, some foreign body must have got in there, its open top so it's quite likely that. Not 100% sure though. Def a bacteria bloom I'd say. :(

Onwards and upwards! May I ask why you wouldnt start another journal? :)

Lewis :( lol
lewis i think the point liz is making is to include this disaster in your current journal and then carry on with it showing how you intend going forward, rather than just draw a line through it and then start a new journal as if nothing ever went wrong......... kev
Only just caught up with the topic :( so sorry to hear about your fish Lewis :( That reef putty is lethal and could well have caused the problem. My tank went really cloudy when i used it a while back and i only used a tiny bit. I wont be using it again. I wish i lived closer and i would of helped out with some live rock etc to get you started again. Is your rock salvageable?

:( :( :( :(
lewis i think the point liz is making is to include this disaster in your current journal and then carry on with it showing how you intend going forward, rather than just draw a line through it and then start a new journal as if nothing ever went wrong......... kev

That's exactly what I mean. Journals are teaching tools, IMO. If we don't include all that goes on, good and bad, this may leave newbies will a false impression of the hobby. Not saying that's your intention, and I completely understand and respect your wishes if you don't want to include this in a journal, but as a member here who's very knowleagable, I think people can learn a lot from your experience.

I can understand wanting to do a new journal, start fresh and all that! I would be the same!

If you would rather start a new journal Lewis you could always put an explantation on the end of your current journal about why its not being carried on and a link to your new journal? I could almost guarantee if left untouched someone in a few weeks or months will comment asking how the tank is going, would just be typical! lol!

I hope everything is going ok now? How are your corals coping?
Fair point Liz, but I never did a proper journal when I started up - foolish I know! It went from an empty tank to here it is now a year later! I agree it should be done as a learning tool, and most certainly will start it with the tragedy!

I'll have a think.

Hey Seffie!

Better. Alls back in now, waiting a see. Lost my White Angel Harp and my Cynarina so far :sad:
Did you not frag the harp or did you loose them aswell :sad:

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