Major Tank Death :(

Lewis how was your nem before you went out?
Just had a thought that if it had kicked the bucket they can wipe a tank out pretty fast.
Don't give up fella I know it's heart breaking but we all have to fail to learn, your tank will be even better the second time around as you now know so much more.
Seem to remember the nem is in his Mum and Dads tank, but to be honest, I had my two die and didnt do anything to the tank.

Stick with it Lewis, Oh how I wish one of us lived close to you and could give you a hand
No nems left thank god, I moved them all to my parents when My malu killed my mandarin. Some bristle are alive! I've pulled all the coral out for now - just thinking. So much dead in the tank the ammonia is going to go berserk.

Tell me if this a bad plan - but removed the coral. Take the live rock out. Get rid of the sand and dead. Add new sand, add rock back. Add coral back. Keeping the LR in a tub of water and coral until tomoro morning? Whats your thoughts? Humph. x
That is exactly what I would do :good: also give the live rock a good swirl in water before going back in
If you can change most of your water aswell it would be good.
Yep ok. So so gutted. My poor fish! I really really am so sad!! :sad: humph!
Lewis my heart goes out to you, after my tank crashed and I lost everything it is so hard to keep the faith, I tried to keep going but for me it just wasn't the same, thats why I decided to have a break and go over to the planted side, I hope you can re build and start again.

Bless you XXX
Lewis thats awful! Im so sorry to hear that! :(

Chin up! Just get it started again slowly. Can you not house your corals in your parents tank until you have everything ready? Would that be better for them?
dont add the corals back to the clean water, sand and rock an stuff til yuve made sure there wont be a mini cycle.
You can bring all your azoox to me for 'safe keeping' :)

But on a serious note if you need help restocking just shout, we have a fair area covered so we can all keep an eye out for the fish you might want.
This is a fresh start to stock anything you like :) be creative.

My LFS has a blue assessor that was tempting but I had to walk away.
Oh no mate! Just come on here and when saw the topic title I immediately thought of all your coral.

Honestly don't know what to say mate! I'm absolutely devastated for you really I am. :sad:

Don't give up hope mate. Get your coral out of there and give your rock a rinse in plain RO then setup a temporary curing/holding tub for it.

I would keep the tank going and just do a large water change I'd say min 75%. While the water is low give it a good scrub inside and chuck all the media an replace with fresh.

Keep an eye on your LR and test for the obvious. Personally I'd say you WILL get some sort of cycle. Once it's complete get it the LR back in and go from there.

Once again mate I'm really sorry for your losses!

CHIN UP MATE!!! :good:
i'm so sorry to hear this lewis... I hope it will turn around into something better. Wish I was closer to help out :(
that sucks. i know how it feels to lose a whole tank. my freshwater community crashed when our power went out it got a 2 inch layer of ice on it during the winter. i feel for you. :-(
So sad to have read this tonight, you had it all looking great too :(

Hope you get it all sorted out :sad:

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