Major Tank Death :(

just got home after a day out and when i saw this thread i felt gutted, Lewis i feel so very sorry for you, as a total beginner here i cant offer any advice but i would have thought the two problems over one weekend must be related somehow :/
I'm not sure whether they're related. Best I can come up with is a bacteria bloom from some food product I put in and as Sorgan said, it sucked the oxygen out of the water.

If I was around I would have been able to save but I wasn't so there's nothing I could do.

Thank you everyone for your kind words..

Chin up things can only get better from here :good:

Re-assessment. I have a large sum of bristle worms alive. A large some dead but there's well over 50 still in there. Copepods can be added again and re-populated easily. I'll add some new sand and some new rock to seed the old rock a bit. I'm then going to hbe no choice but to add my corals back in and hope and pray they survive.

My most treasured are the acan, blasto, elegance, hammer and torch. Obv I am a massive coral hoarder and want them all to survive but they're my real favs and I got them at a very very good deal.

Fishwise - nothing is left.. All are dead.

I'll keep you all posted as to what happens next!

Ps please stop using the phrase chin up - I hate that!! ;)
Sorry, still pretty new here. Is this the 155L in the journal section? How long was the tank setup?

Sorry for your livestock loss.
No the bacteria will be ok and the rest will repopulate, this is sounding less like bacteria more like pathogen.

My thoughts as well. In addition to possible environmental/equipment issues, sometimes LR has some nasties that stay hidden for quite some time. I had a hitchhiker nudi of some sort die and nuke a nano in the distant past; sent critters I didn't even know were in there pouring out of the rock and then they all died. The rock had been in for long enough I thought I'd seen what it had to offer (couple months I think). Cucumbers can also sometimes hitch a ride in, although as far as I know they're less common to have crawl out of a rock (although I did see one LR batch at a store absolutely full of 'em) and not all are capable of a "cuc nuke." Still, I've read that some "cuc nukes" take out fish while leaving certain inverts unaffected.

Keeping the LR in a tub of water and coral until tomoro morning? Whats your thoughts?

Run carbon on that one too and check the water periodically. If there isn't an obvious non-critter cause, I would actually keep the LR QTed for a bit longer just to be safe.

EDIT: Woops - I missed this:

Yeh. Been set up a year plus

Makes my critter hypothesis somewhat less likely then. Somehow had it in my head that the tank was younger.
Yeh. Been set up a year plus. :sad:

Ok, because the thread in the journal section was only dated from March, so I was confused as to how long it had been setup. Thanks for clearing that up.

Now, IMO, you should update the journal. Maybe not your cup of tea, but IMO, journals are warts and all, and while this is not a great situation for you, people can still learn from your experiences.

In "Endor" I lost an entire school of cherry barbs that I raised when I introduced a rubber-lipped pleco to the system, even with quaranteen. Lost all of my livestock to ich. Was gutted, but, I posted it in the journal anyway and "Endor" came back better than ever.

What do you think happened to the system?

Lewiss... May be a bad time to bring it up....

Hows the gorg.

Arghhh! Why didn't I think of this before! How is your blue sponge looking? The reason I ask is that they can release some veeeerrrry nasty stuff if they are to badly stressed.
Blue sponge may die... It came out of the water momentarily. It was murky and I thought it was a rock lifted it and then realised. It looked fine prior to that though. it looms fine now but think that might be the first coral casualty..

I didn't do that journal till ages after.. :) thanks for the warming words.
If the sponge does go it would be a shame as it was so nice

Hows the tank cleaning up?
Hi mate. What's the current situation withe regards to your live rock, coral, tank itself etc.

Chi..................I mean, pecker up!!!! :look:

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