major question

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Fish Fanatic
May 2, 2005
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Waukon/Postville, Iowa
Alrighty...well, anyway. I do complete waterchanges to Fatima and Fabio's homes about every 2-3 days. Last night I changed their waters. I put in Stress Coat, Chlor-Out, and Doc Wellfishes sea salt.

Today I looked at Fabio, and I noticed on his tail fin and anal fin, on some of the 'rays' *I think that's what they are, it's the bones in the tail that you can see coming down, etc* he has bright red 'dots' right at the ends. He did NOT have those last night. His fins are not shredded. I think it's either the beginning of Fin Rot or Hemorrhagic Septicemia.

Lately I've had their lights on, but no heaters, as it's too warm for those, but also now my bf has the AC going, so I want them to be 'stable'

I wasn't exactly sure what to this is not normal for him. I put in a couple drops of Melafix *I use an eyedropper for them* But I didn't want to o.d. him, so I just did a couple. I'm not exactly sure how to measure out Melafix for a 2.5 gal and a 2 gal. So for Fabio I just did 2. :/

I have Fungus Clear as well, that treats both. I cut up a chunk into 4 pieces and cut one of the 4 in half and put it in. I made sure too that it was the smaller half. I've been watching and he's a.ok. I have not noticed anything else, nothing has progressed, etc. Just the bright red bits on the ends of his tail where the bones end. I shall try to get a pic up, but he keeps moving around....I think trying to walk his own 'catwalk' so to say...being the supermodel that he is. :rolleyes:

I'm not sure what to do...or what it is. All I know is that it's not his normal coloring. I'm regular with the waterchanges...just use hot water, no chemicals. Always have the chlor-out in, etc. I'm starting to regret having fish bad luck keeps following me. :X But I'm hoping I can fix him unlike the ones in the past. I'm just having a stressful time right now, Sunday my biological father was in a motercycle accident, so I've been stressed w/ that. My stateboards are coming up the 21st...maybe I just make Fabio stressed or something. :(

I guess the question is, what might it be *I will try to get a good pic* as there's redness, but no shredding or splits than he already had.
and how do I measure out Melafix for a 2.5 and a 2 gal.
Thank you in advance. :)



First one I can see the spots if you squint. The second I put them where I could kind of see some of the dots, there are a few more on the pic than on his tail fin.
Are these red dots on the bottom of him - like they might be from him rubbing on the rocks? Six (my ct) has HORRIBLY irritated rays on his underside cuz he insists on swimming around the bottom of his tank sometimes while scraping across the bottom.

It could also be the start of finrot.
I only have one crowntail - so i'm used to what finrot looks like in veils, but I've been finding out the hard way what irritated and/or rotting fins look like on Six.

It sounds like you're doing what you should be doing. I don't use MelaFix - it scares me, but I know that a lot of ppl have had very good results with it.

For now, i'm just keeping the tank really clean and trying to decide what I'm going to put on the bottom of the tank in place of the gravel so he stops hurting his bottom rays.
Thanks Bettamomma. :) I just posted 2 pictures of the dots, where they are located, etc. I do have some 'crappy' gravel, as that's the only stuff they had at Walmart, but I did, the last time I went, get some of my regular river rock. He does swim around the bottom sometimes, like around and 'through' his one plant. It's just on the tail and anal, not the 'dorsal' fin. I don't see any other things to worry about at this moment. *crosses fingers*

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