Made a rescue, probably shouldnt have

pretty fish! :wub: wish there were no overstalking rules and that all fish didnt really care the size of their tank so i could have a couple of those... wish you lucj with them, the better condition one looks beautiful
Adistar said:
just think, all these people with tons of bettas..

If they didnt buy any and saved their money they could have some pretty big tanks, and fill it with fish such as CFC. See, he doesnt buy bettas and ends up with big tanks and great fish :p
... Dangit, you're right!! :eek:

Well ok, I'd need a bigger house before I could get bigger tanks, but still. My 80 gallon counts as "big", right? :look:
Wallago attu are indeed very scary fish- they have been reported at lengths of 6ft long and its said the locals where this fish resides are more scared of them than crocodiles- its even be reported to have killed and eaten small dogs and will bite your hand off given a chance.
more info;

Real shame those fish are seen in the hobby- completely unsuitable.
Hey CFC, if you have space for a true nasty oddball maybe you should go back and save the wallago too :D !
Noooooo, its bad enough having fish that can electrocute, sting and poison me without keeping ones that might remove my hands or eat the family pets and children. Wallagos should stay in Asia where they belong.
grrrrr I just finally broke down and clicked on this.. I swear all this mislabeling to trick people. What about us that avoid the Betta topics and are looking for something just like this much much more interesting in my opinion.\

edit: not that I have any problem with bettas they are adorable, especially in my opinion the girls. :) realized my post seemed mean. Please forgive I have been laid up all week from a minor surgery, and am a little grumpy. I tooked another vicodin and am my friendly tho extremely rambling self again.
:lol: i started the "look at my betta's" trick when i noticed that when i posted pictures of rare, unusual or large fish i would get a dozen replies if i was lucky compared to 2 pages of replies for a Walmart betta flaring at his "mommy". It worked and then a few other members who also have had their picture topics overlooked did the same. The novelties worn off now ( i think ) so it will be back to posting pictures that no one will look at.

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