Luc's First Planted Tank


Oct 11, 2006
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I have set up a new planted tank 4 days ago... The stats is as below;

Size : 2X1X1 feet
CO2 : Nutrafin CO2 diffuser
Lighting : 2X25W
Fish : Molly & Guppy

Initially it looked as below;


After planted it looks;


Most of the plants are transfered from my previous tank, I stopped using the previous tank due to leakage, it was no CO2 supplied previously.

Today is the forth day and the Riccia start growing out from the netting. Will post some pictures soon... :)

Please comment ...

I am new in planting a tank, so hope this is not too bad...
Looks pretty good, maybe a closer pic would be nice. Did you stop the little tank in the first pic?
Looks pretty good, maybe a closer pic would be nice. Did you stop the little tank in the first pic?

The small tank is still up running next to the new tank. It is a fry tank, will post some of the pictures for the small tank later...
By the way, I have bought an Otocinclus & a small prawn (not sure the name, it is red small prawn) from my LFS today. I put the prawn into the new tank, as the seller said it will help to clear the algae in tank. While the Oto I have put into my fry tank.

Note: The drift wood in my new tank is transfered from my previous tank which have got some hair algae on it.

Hope the prawn can help to clear the hair algae but I am not sure it could do that or not...
Looks good, very natural :) whats in the blue bag? Riccia?
Looks good, very natural :) whats in the blue bag? Riccia?

Thank you for the positive comment. :)
Yes the Riccia is under the green netting on stone. They are growing out now, hope can send some pictures soon :)
This is my first time growing plants with CO2, so excited when seeing the pearling... haaa...
Is the prawn an amano shrimp or am I completely off? Might want to buy one more oto since oto's like playmates.
Is the prawn an amano shrimp or am I completely off? Might want to buy one more oto since oto's like playmates.

I am still not sure about the name for the prawn yet, will check out later. It is maroon in colour, about an inch long, small size. It is cute. :)

I have 2 otos in my fry tank. THey r just cute.

Forgot to bring my camera to my working place, will bring it here later then will upload some updated pictures to share with you all. :)

The plants start growing, some are growing very rapidly until reaching the surface of water already. Most of the plant's leaves are still covering with hair algae (previous tank had no CO2 diffuser), now I am waiting for the old leaves to die off and new leaves to grow out.

Attached here with a picture of my fry tank which "atmmachine" asked for. :)


And some update of my new tank after a week;

Centre view,

Right-hand side,

Inner centre,

Never tank pic for the left part as not much plants there yet. :)

As I said, most of the plants are from my previous tank (which is no good lighting and CO2), It has got a lot of hair algae in some of the plants. Does anyone know what fish could eat it? Or anyway to get rid of it?


I am new to plants, I am still looking for the exact name for my plants as in the LFS they do not label the plants.

But I am quite sure of the name for a few of my plants, I have Riccia, Tropica Bacopa Australis, Anubia Barteri Var Nana (In fry tank), Tropica Marselea Hirsuta, Tropica ROtala Rotundifolia and Echinodorus Quadricostatus. The rest I still not sure what's their name.

The plants in front of the drift wood with hair algae, I found 2 names for it, not sure which is the correct one, Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis OR Tropica Littorella Uniflora.

Please help me in the name and the algae problem. Helps are appreciated.
I noticed some algae start growing on the aquarium wall. Planning to do water changes and replant some taller plants, pluck of some old leaves with hair algae. Will post picture when it is done. :)
O I feel special :D Cool pics, looking good, can't see algae real well in the pics so your decieving us until the last pic :good: though I know you don't llike that.

I'v heard amano shrimp I think are good for eating hair algae and pulling it ALL out yourself has seemed to help people. Currently I have some but it is only attaching itself to fake ornements so I have taken them all out and it's gotten better

I'v heard amano shrimp I think are good for eating hair algae and pulling it ALL out yourself has seemed to help people. Currently I have some but it is only attaching itself to fake ornements so I have taken them all out and it's gotten better


I am new to shrimps, do you have a picture of amano shrimp?

I have tried to pull the hair algae by hand, but it is troublesome, thinking of getting some fishes or shrimps to help me out. :)

Now the aquarium wall start having some small green dot of algae, does otocinclus help in clearing it? I have 2 oto in my fry tank, but they seem just interested in clearing the algae on stone instead of clearing the algae on glass wall. What I normally do is I use sponge to rub it off... :)
After a week, the plants are tall to reach the surface of the water... As I've planned, I have just done the trimming, replanting, plucking off some dirty looking leaves... Now, the tank looks so empty and cleaner I suppose. I changed the water too...


Attached here with some pictures for my fry tank...

The Echinodorus Quadricostatus

The Anubias Bartery Nana

The Otocinclus

The Crystal Snail

Hope you guys like it...
Some update pictures taken, I am learning to take better pictures, hope these are some improvements...

Riccia is growing out nicely (my first time replanting this),

Unknown plant name, can somebody tells me the name,

One of the drift wood,

Top view of a plant,

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