Low tech planted tanks (PIC HEAVY)


My “dry” jar showing some amazing growth. I’m gonna be using plants in this jar for my upcoming projects. Might also get a bigger container so I can have more room for plants. I find it easier and faster to grow plants this way.

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Will aquarium plants grow out of water? o_O
Will aquarium plants grow out of water? o_O

Yep. If a part of them is still in the water they can most definitely. Heres My older tank when I forgot to trim for a week

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Will aquarium plants grow out of water?
Yes, most aquarium plants can be grown out of water.

You can grow them in pots and have the pot in a bit of water and the plant will grow like any terrestrial plant. I used to grow Amazon sword plants in pots next to my roses. They are tough and can be treated like any garden plant. Water them regularly and use a normal garden fertiliser on them.

Floating plants and Vallis are about the only plants that can't be grown out of water. Virtually everything else can. :)

What plant is that? ^

Ludwigia peruensis is the plant with the big leaves, also some other Ludwigia plants and some Rotala plants. I think there’s also some proserpinaca palustris growing out.

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I have a plant shelf in my pond. What would be a good planted plant to set in the water on the shelf? Something that could soak up nitrates. Can any potting soil be used if most of pot are s out of water. Maybe an 2-3” of water on the shelf.
What would be a good planted plant to set in the water on the shelf? Something that could soak up nitrates. Can any potting soil be used if most of pot are s out of water.
Grow whatever plants you like, as long as they tolerate wet feet they are fine. Irises are regularly grown in shallow water. Ludwigia, Bacopa, Swordplants, Crypts, Anubias, Spathyphyllum, Mint, take your pick. If it can sit in a couple of inches of water it should be fine.

No you can't use any potting mix. Avoid mixes that container fertiliser or wetting agents. Leave the potting mix in the bag sealed up for several months so it can break down, otherwise you get ammonia spikes from the decomposing organic matter in the potting mix.
Moved the black water tank up the stand. Not really digging the black rim on the tank with the stand. I might return the 20g longs I got from Petco and just have some rimless tanks custom made. These tanks will be going underneath the stand when the new tanks arrive.

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Moved the black water tank up the stand. Not really digging the black rim on the tank with the stand. I might return the 20g longs I got from Petco and just have some rimless tanks custom made. These tanks will be going underneath the stand when the new tanks arrive.

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Wow! I love that setup! ;) I’m pretty sure you can remove the upper rim from Aquen tanks, as long as the reinforce the corners with aquarium safe silicone. Just slide a razor black under the rim, and go all the way around with it, then Take the rim off. :)

Here is a YouTube video on how to remove it. ;) :
Decided to setup some tanks again. I had some Topfin retreat 5g that I had on had.

I removed the filter compartment for more space and replaced it with a sponge filter. Here’s the tank day 1. I was able to get some cycled media from a friend. Also added some tetra safestart as a precaution.

Here’s some shots after two days when the tank cleared up a bit.

I stocked it with some gold white clouds and would add some more fish after.

Plants are microcarpaea minima Merrill, Rotala hra and hydrocotyle tripartita.


Added some s repens, ember tetra and honey gouramis after a week.


Added some hygrophila pinnatifida on driftwood and some Taiwan moss on another piece of driftwood. This was the tank after another week

Impulse bought a pair of sunset thicklip gouramis. Couldn’t put them in the 5g so I temporarily put them in my 2.5g jar with the white clouds. Also bought some Rotala wallichii and alternanthera rosanervig for the jar.

Also replaced the white clouds with some clown killis

Felt like the jar was too small so I setup another Topfin 5g for the jar inhabitants

I made the jar into a “dry” setup

After a week. The dark leaves are the s repens from the first tank. They just got transferred when this was taken. They weren’t doing so well in the tank.

Wasn’t happy with the cfl bulb that I was using to light the tank. RRF wasn’t doing too well so I bought two ONF flat nano+ leds. The selling point for me was the app control.

Here are the tanks taken on August 21

Left tank:
Rotala Vietnam
Rotala nanjenshan
Rotala hra
Scarlet temple
Hygrophila pinnatifida on driftwood
Hygrophila compact
AR mini
Pygmy chain sword
Microcarpaea minima Merrill

Right tank:
Blyxa Novoguineensis
Alternanthera rosanervig
Rotala nanjenshan
Myrio green
Rotala wallichii
Rotala macrandra mini
Taiwan moss on driftwood
Fissidens on driftwood
Riccia on driftwood
Salvinia minima


Taken September 8. I decided to move the driftwood on the left tank to the other side. Stand also came today.

Lights are on 12 hours a day. No co2 and fertilized with trace and flourish after every water change.

I change the water every 4 days. Haven’t really had algae issues from day 1. Substrate is used aquasoil from my previous setups and supplemented with some root tabs. Also switched the filtration to azoo 150 HOB so I can have the maximum amount of space.

I’ll be upgrading these tanks to 20g Longs soon so I’ll be updating this regularly.

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These are some great pictures
Interesting post. I've been hedging my bets also by putting some of the new plants into a 2 gallon terrarium. In case you're wondering,Hydrocotyle tripartita is one that does great that way and as you all know its not cheap to buy.Usually it's just a few dainty stems. for your $7 It's going to be good trade soon. Not sure if a tiny shoot of Buce Godzilla is going to make it., Same for Taiwan moss.

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