Loved And Lost ... My Babies Over The Years


Aug 7, 2009
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North London
I was mooching through my photos the other day and ended up sat crying thinking of all my ratties I've lost over the years.
I wanted to make a little post with what pics I have and I guess pay tribute a little as a few of these guys have passed on at hard times in my life and I haven't had time to really come to terms with them being gone in some ways.

My first ratty - Snoopy - I don't have any pics but she was a gorgeous champagne hoody. She was kept alone in a hammy cage as I was eight years old and my parents didn't bother to do their research. Some lovely lady ended up having her when she was a year old - I have no idea who this was but I know she had a big group of ratties and Snoopy had a lovely life once she was rehomed. I'd like to meet and thank this lady.

Second ratty - Lucy - my brother's pet. Kept in much the same way as Snoopy except I made up for her rubbish home by taking her everywhere with me on my shoulder - I used to take the dog and the rat for a walk. I did have a photo of Lucy but I don't any more it seems :(

The one that really started it all was my baby Mini.

That girl was my soulmate. I miss her every day. I have a drawing of her tattooed on my hip. I love her so much and miss her so much. Mini died back in March 2008 and I'm still sitting here with tears in my eyes thinking of her.
Mini getting her kisses

My tat of Min

Then there was Mitzi - a very shy champagne girly - took me her whole life to gain her trust and then she was diagnosed with extensive bowel cancer at a year old and PTS :( I feel like I missed out on a lot with her being taken so young.

Then I got Maisi from a rescue center to keep Mini company in Mitzi's absence. Maisi was a real character - stole everyone's heart and then ran off to stash it in her bed :lol:

In her old age:

Then Jodie and her three bundles of naughtiness. My friend's rat had a litter (the first litter of a now well-known and well-established rattery) and I ended up taking home Mum, Jodie, and her three daughters.
Jodie was always a little chubby and I remember the MRC judges nearly disqualifying me for entering a heavily pregnant rat into a show :lol: I had to explain she was spayed and had just got a little round since her op LOL!

Mara - Jodie's daughter - a lovely little girl - so cute!
Died at a grand old age during 2009 after bringing me years of giggles. She had a chunk taken out of her ear at a young age and that pirate look just made me smile every day.

Mojo - another Jodie daughter - just the sweetest rat. She had real presence. In the end she developed multiple inoperable tumours, but she lived to a good age and was a joy to care for throughout her life.
Mara left and Mojo right

Little Jodie - the name is fairly explanatory. She spent the first part of her life hiding from me and refusing to have anything to do with me, then she decided she quite liked me, and then, sadly, she developed malignant lymphoma and died within two days :( She was so beautiful and I felt all the more special that she came to her own conclusions about me and decided to trust.

Around this time I had the opportunity to adopt a beautiful girly called Betsy - and jumped at the chance. She was a big bolschy girl and boy did she know it. A right madam but truly loved for who she was!

Blessi and Clyde - (originally Bonnie and Clyde) I rehomed these guys from a local pet shop - Bless came to me pregnant and both rats were terribly ill. I only had 6 weeks with Clyde before he died of pneumonia - he was such a gentle, loving rat though. So much trust from both of these little characters although they'd had it hard.
Blessi fought health problems for 6 months and was in and out of the vets before I made the decision for her. I couldn't watch her waste away and she would have fought death right up until she died.
Clydey having a cuddle

Blessi herself

She used to lick me half to death :wub:

Blessi gave me 5 beautiful jelly beans

Which grew into 5 bundles of naughtiness

Patrick, Joey, Caspar and Tyson went to live with my best friend and had a wonderful life.
Phoebe stayed with me and, although she was more of ratty rat than a peopley rat, she was a sweetie and the perfect rehab friend for more than one rescue ratty.

When Phoebe's brothers left, I took on Gizmo and Felix, from a breeder who I knew as a friend ... they have been amazing. They both passed away within a few weeks of each other at the start of this year - having both reached the age of 30 months. I miss them a lot. They were constants in my life since the middle of 2007 and it's weird not having them. I can't describe the kind of hollow feeling I get when I play with my ratties and they're not there :sad:


A big smile from Giz :p

In the meantime, I took on Sooty and Sweep, my first special breeder ratties, to be company for Clyde. He didn't end up getting along with them, but they stayed anyway and were absolute charms.
Sweepy was like Mini in male form. I am still trying to decide on how best to commemorate his life - not sure if a tattoo is appropriate. I still have a scar on my finger where he bit me in his hormonal madness before he was castrated and I smile when I notice it. He was so incredibly sorry for that!
Sooty is the agouti and Sweep is the russian blue

Sweep - handsome boy

I noticed Rogue in a pet shop on several visits - and began to wonder why she was still there. When I asked the shop assistant she called her evil and said I can have her free as long as I don't bring her back as she's been returned 3 times.
I fostered Rogue before she went to her forever home - and she was a funny little madam. She was the most territorial rat I've ever met, but the most hilarious - outside of her cage she was a bumbling little sweetie - and inside she was an absolute devil! I have my scars from her too.
I wish I'd kept her - but my OH at the time was running short of patience with all my rats.

I came to hear, around this time, of a female ratty with a male counterpart who desperately needed a new home and had lived alone (except within sniffing distance of her brother's cage) for her life. I offered her a home and she was an absolute spoilt rotten princess. I loved Mookel. I adored her. She was the nosiest, busiest, sweetest little thing. I can see why her owner cried when she gave her up. I lost Mookel when I had an outbreak of Sendai Virus in my groups. It was heartbreaking and she fought it so hard.

Then I saw Dot and Isla and fell in love.

I still have Dot today - she is 29 months old, spayed and with multiple lumps that are inoperable but absolutely here and now and going nowhere soon. She marches out of the cage every time I open the door and takes herself off for a walk. If she thinks I have a treat she stands on her hind legs and pulls my hand down to her :lol: She's got bags of character and still keeps the boys in line despite her age!

Isla was the quieter, more sensible sister and clearly put up with a lot from her madam of a sister - she was always having to step in and stick up for Dot when she'd got herself into a fight. She was a gorgeous girl who passed away suddenly in her cage just before Christmas.

My young group back then L-R top row: Gizmo, Dot, Mara, Little Jodie
Bottom row: Felix, Isla, Phoebe and Mojo

Then there was Jay - after the virus, I was completely devastated and after losing Mini, Betsy, Maisi and Mookel all within a fortnight of each other to this dreadful illness, I couldn't even spend time with my remaining ratties without it being very sad.
I saw Jay online on a rescue appeal - and he just smacked of Maisi - he was 'hopeless' case - an aggressive boy who need an experienced and understanding owner. I just felt my heart jump when I saw him.
I took him home within a month and I never looked back. When I met my OH, Kev, Jay and him bonded strongly. Jay died in Kev's arms with heart failure about a year ago after giving me nearly a year of his lovely licks and naughtiness.

That summer, I was preparing to go to uni and thought that I wouldn't be able to rescue much after starting vet uni so I offered to pay for some castrations for particularly needy boys who have been stuck in rescue and care for them until they're well and can be rehomed.

Guess what - I ended up keeping 4 out of the 6 and my sister had the remaining two!
Kojak, Nyi Lay, Mouse and Leo were absolute characters - every single one of them so distinct yet they looked so similar. Even the rescuer said she still couldn't tell them apart. They came to me with some serious respiratory issues and within a few days of treating them I could they were not young boys and anaesthetic risk would be very high with them. I kept them all.
Nyi Lay died very soon with that respiratory trouble he came to me with, but he was star and learnt to trust me so quickly.
Mouse was a shy little dot - but he trusted me in the end. I remember him best for kicking all of the litter out of the litter tray and sleeping in it. Funny bunny he was. Mouse died with kidney failure about 6 months after I got him.
Kojak was just a chilled out, laid back lad and took everything in his stride. He lived with me for over 6 months before developing an abdominal tumour :(
Leo - what to say about this boy? I loved him, I loved him a lot. I just wish we'd had longer together. He had the heart of a lion, the courage of a lion and more love than you'd think a rescued, supposedly hormonal, buck could ever have.
He lived with me for nearly a year, moving onto live with my girls (after being castrated after all) once his brothers died.
The boys together

Tiger - now there's a story with Tiger. Once I'd managed to get Jay, Sooty, Sweepy and Jodie into a group (out of them Sweepy and Jay had both been neutered for aggression and were still a little grumpy about newcomers) ... I took them all off to meet my friends at a ratty charity get-together. I noticed a basket full of rescue ratties needing homes and went over to have a natter a quick cuddle. I fell in love with a smeeze dumbo boy, called William, who'd been abandoned in a cardboard box in a field and had sat there and waited to be rescued.
Dorothy, the rescuer, could see I'd fallen for him and asked if I'd like to fill out a rehoming form. I told her I couldn't because of the situation with the group he would have to join and I think that Sweep and Jay would fight with him, as they do with any other rat, let alone an entire buck.
I was cuddling my own ratties a little later ... and then Dorothy came over and before I could stop her, plonked William down with my guys into my lap. I was horror-struck and had images of flying fur and blood and all sorts. I was amazed to see Sweep and Jay both calmly sniff this little fella and then just rest their heads on his back.
I took that rat home and renamed him Tiger. He was the sweetest old boy I've ever known. Never shown a moment's narkiness. He died with respiratory problems in summer last year but I had over a year with him and for that I'm grateful.

Now - Logan and Laylan - the naughties. I got Logan and Laylan mainly because I could see Sweep getting older and I wanted to 'pass on his legacy', if you like. I wanted another boy to love that would have picked up some of Sweeps' ways. I thought I would have another year with Sweep yet and thought it premature but a good excuse nonetheless. Sweep passed away 2 months after I brought Logan and Laylan home. They were the perfect boys to carry on the legacy of him. Both of them cuddly and licky to a fault. Both soft as anything.
Unfortunately, they were not from good breeding and Logan died suddenly in his sleep at 9 months old and Laylan died suddenly with acute respiratory problems at 14 months old. I miss them both a lot.
Sooty squishing the two boys when they first arrived :lol:

This is how I remember Laylan - a big clown!

Then Mo - another rescue. He was all lined up for a home but somehow didn't grow as he should have and ended up stunted and snuffly. At 7 weeks old he should have been near 200g but was only 75g. My teacup boy. He always stayed small, but he had character ten times his size. Mo was adored by everyone. I'm so lucky how it worked out. I got a call from a friend asking if I would take him and I did. He lived a healthy life after his initial snuffles went but something was wrong - his health problems caught up with him and he died unexpectedly with acute respiratory problems just a few months ago at just over a year old.
Mo is the tiny white thing sat next to Tiger. Sweep is in the background on the left and Logan is sitting on Mo's little 'house' ... a cup :p

Laylan left, Mo right and Logan top

Since these last guys, I took on a pair of rescue boys, Marley and Jerry. I don't have any photos of Jerry - he was a sickly bullied boy and died young :(
I have Marley still and this post has given me a reason to go and take some photos of the old boy. I've had Marley over a year now and he's a lovely bumbly boy. Don't regret those last minute additions in the slightest - ever.

I also recently took on my sister's rescue, Woody. He was rescued from an owner who was going to 'set them free'. Unfortunately he was bullied by his brother and a nervous wreck at my sister's. He wouldn't settle in a group - and I finally agreed to try him with my oldies (I had more then). He just changed overnight and has gone from hiding in the back of the cage to marching up to me and copying Dot when I get them out. He's real success story and I'm proud of him every day. I need to get some photos of Woody too.

And, last but not least, my childhood companion.
Tilly was my parent's rescue dog - taken on when I was just about 6 years old.
We grew together and she grew old :(
I taught her so many tricks, and she taught me everything I know today about respect, love, faith and responsibility.
She was put to sleep August 2009 at the age of 17. I haven't really come to terms with her being gone. As I don't live at home I haven't dealt with it. It just feels like she must still be there with my parents.
I never got the chance to introduce my puppy, Skye, to Tilly. I should have visited over the summer in those few months before she died to do this. I would have liked to have known there was something of Tilly about Skye.
I miss Tilly a lot. She is the reason I own dogs and the reason I rescue whenever I can. I will upload a pic of her a little later.

Sorry for the long post - I just wanted to write a short celebration of all of these lives that have touched mine. I'm only 22 years old - but I've been very lucky to have had the opportunity to know all of these guys.

Please do post any tributes to your own animals that have influenced your lives. I think sometimes we don't stop to think of these lives that have touched our own, especially when they're not here any more.
a good read and great photos!

15th photo down is a nom for POTM!
i am guessing saying you liked rats would be an understatement?? :D

All of them are gorgeous and i also agree 15th pic down for POTM !! :D :D
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your photos, heartbreak, love and tenderness - I have both smiled and wept several times whilst reading your post.

Maybe you could write us a guide to keeping Ratties?

I hope you will be kind enough to join the group of people on TFF Pet section who have come together to help out other pet owners. All you would need to do is pop by once a day and see if anyone needs your help?

Seffie x
I would very much like to write a guide to owning ratties - but there would be so much to cover!!
I would have to ask what people want to know before doing that :p I could ramble on forever!

I will do my best to help advise people on here with their ratties ... and I did reply to a post by Ludwig saying I knew about ratties so could help on the team there but don't know what came of it.
If you want to make a guide there are always people around to help put it together.
And there's a good community to tell you what they want to know about rats right here.
If you want to make a guide there are always people around to help put it together.
And there's a good community to tell you what they want to know about rats right here.

Cool, sounds great :good:

Think about housing, feeding, keeping animals together...... all the basics :D

plus maybe something about different types

Seffie x

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