Lost A Corydora

I would say its because the tank is still quite new, pandas are probably the weakest of the lot. Let it tick over to the new year then get them.
I would say the small amount of ammonia you had may have lead to their demise,depending how healthy the fish were to start with could possibly cause an early death...

I think its more myth than anything about Pandas being weak, fair enough from the wild maybe,but tank bred Pandas are just has hardy imo. good water quality & diet will keep any healthy cory happy.
as i've said before...the only thing i have physically seen them eat is bloodworm....even when i feed the platy's first..then drop in wafers for them....the Platy's always get there first shoving them out the way...
The 3 that have died were 2x males and 1 female ( i think) If it goes according to size i have 3 females left (part of the last group of 4 i got)
They hide alot now...looking sad :( They all used to shoul together too.
I test for Ammonia everyday...so they arent subjected to much for long...and it has been clear for ages now.
Been doing daily w/c's to clear up poop..the platy's poo and awful lot. ( i even left them 2 days with no food..and they were still pooping.)
Thats one of the reasons i sold my platys(the other being mass fry production :rolleyes: ),they are poo machines and eat anything...

Have you tried feeding the corys on lights out? - My pandas adore tetra prima granules & mini granules, they have sinking wafers every so often on lights out.
i will try....but the platy's go mad when i lift the lid..lol..I have only male platy...so no babies.
lost 4 in total now...so only have 2 left...i really dont know whats picking them off...I tried the lights out feeding and the platy's all had their fill..personally i think they are starving...as i dont see then eat anything?
lost 4 in total now...so only have 2 left...i really dont know whats picking them off...I tried the lights out feeding and the platy's all had their fill..personally i think they are starving...as i dont see then eat anything?
ive tried it....the platy's crowded round the wafer :/
well ive been back to the Lfs and there were no pandas again. So i bought 4 Peppered Cory's. They are alot bigger than the pandas i had/have. They are about 2 inches.
I was also going to pick up some more glowlight tetra, but my mate that works there as #17##### manager said not to bother as they had caught the fungus that the dead Betta in the tank had died from. :/
the worrying thing was....when i tested the LFS water..it showed 0.50 of Ammonia and the PH was 6.0??!!!
i gradually added my tank water to the bag bit by bit, and then netted them in. 2 started snuffling straight away, 2 kinda hid.

Hoping to have more luck this time.
One of my remaining Panda Cory's


2 of the new Peppered cory's


the water they came in ..Amm 0.50.....nitrite 0......ph 6.0


is the one at the front a male..the one behind a female?
Sup with the Panda's rear quarter? Or is it just reflection?

Hard to tell the sex from the side, its often easier from above. That said, the one at the back does look decidedly "fatter" even from the side, so would err on the side of it being female, and the front a male.
In my 55g community tank I feed a round of veggie wafers or sinking pellets just before lights out. The cory all do a good job of feeding then. There are a couple of spots that I determined the cory hang out more than the other fish, and that's where I "aim" the food.

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