Look What I Found In One Of My Lfs

I was planning to search for the Corydoras atropersonatus as well because they are so similar, either one would work!
I bought a group of Cories from my LFS and they were labelled up as atropersonatus or 'Fairy Corydoras' and they do look exactly the same as the ones you have posted on here. I paid £3.99 a piece although there were only 4 of them left at the time my LFS reckon they should be able to get some more in soon. I will have to try and get a picture up on here later!

They are really lovely cories and i also have never seen them over this way before...
The store didn't manage to get any more in :( (I know why, instead of ordering them 2 weeks later like he said he was going to, he waited until 4 weeks later (they only order from that supplier every fortnight) which meant they weren't available any more :grr: :shout: )

I'm going to keep looking for them, but considering my lack of ability to travel it's going to be slow going. For the moment the 9 I have are happy pootling about the tank on their business. They seem much happier since I put more plants in :good:

Ps, the more I research the more I am leaning towards a C097 - atropersonatus ID as well. That might actually make them easier to find.
The store didn't manage to get any more in :( (I know why, instead of ordering them 2 weeks later like he said he was going to, he waited until 4 weeks later (they only order from that supplier every fortnight) which meant they weren't available any more :grr: :shout: )

I'm going to keep looking for them, but considering my lack of ability to travel it's going to be slow going. For the moment the 9 I have are happy pootling about the tank on their business. They seem much happier since I put more plants in :good:

Ps, the more I research the more I am leaning towards a C097 - atropersonatus ID as well. That might actually make them easier to find.

They haven't got any in at the moment but my LFS is well-known for all types of common and rare Cories. They always have something different in and they also post if it's to far for you to travel. Prestwood petzone on google and they will be at the top. You can see the stocklist on there although i would advise you to phone to make sure it is accurate if you were interested. Great place well worth popping into if you were ever around that way!
:yahoo: Was just contacted by coryologist. He is getting in some C. Sychri next wednesday!!!! Of course I have like $5 to my name, but I am going to sell my 2 year old for them if that's what it takes! :)

Just kidding about the kid, he's been rotten today, is all :lol:
Just to add....I just read that the group he is getting have been spawned!!
:yahoo: Was just contacted by coryologist. He is getting in some C. Sychri next wednesday!!!! Of course I have like $5 to my name, but I am going to sell my 2 year old for them if that's what it takes! :)

Just kidding about the kid, he's been rotten today, is all :lol:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I SOOOO know what you mean! I hate days like that. Tomorrow is another day :nod:

Just to add....I just read that the group he is getting have been spawned!!
:hyper: awesome!

Mine are getting happier every time I add plants. They are enjoying eating the melting crypts and are generally happy mooching about. We have settled at 8. Tummys are fat and barbles are long. Life is good in the swamp :) I've a video in my journal where you can see them.
:-( Not getting the cories. The shipping was going to be $116 or more, and I haven't even been quoted for the group yet. Most of his groups go above $200 on aquabid, and these are pretty rare.

Any suggestions on a more common type I could look for?

Can't justify paying over $300 for 6 fish at this point in time.
:eek: ouch. Yeah I can see why other things would take priority.

I really like the C. duplicareus as well. They're gonna be a bit tough to find too.

What sorts of colours do you like?
Turns out they were mislabeled and he didn't buy them, so I don't have to be sad. I don't care for the greens or orange corys. I like the ones that are cleaner looking. Certain types look a little muddled and "dirty" Just got some Albinos today :hyper:
Smudge spot...maybe not rare enough though :/ if i didnt have the sterbai it's what i would choose
I know :) They are on my list. What temp do you keep your tank at? Are they happy at 77-79. That's where mine will sit with the angelfish and rams.
26c which google tells me is 78.8, i think sterbai like it slightly warmer than some other varieties

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