Hi Caz, you were talking about ID-ing the lil guys earlier in this thread and I came across something tonight that I thought might help.
I was flicking through my Dad's tropical fish book and came across a cory that looks just like yours. They're calling it Schwartz's corydoras (Corydoras Schwartzi)
It's described as follows:
"There are so many pattern variations of this fish that it is difficult to give an accurate description. Generally there is a large, black bar running up the front of the dorsal fin. The body has lines of broken spots along it, ranging from tiny dots to large spots, the tail has fine spotted markings, the other fins are clear and the snout is rounded. The barbels are white and quite pronounced. Basically, they all have a black and white pattern. All the variations are very pretty."
Not sure if that is of any use to you but I thought I'd pass it on.