Long Winded 8 Ft Tank Thread

Zikofski said:
wow this tank is sensational
really well done
love the clown loaches
shame you there is not red line torpedo barbs in there
There are, 5 of them, thought I was going to have an issue with the 2 large flying foxes, but thankfully they have recognised they aren't Flying Foxes, so it's back to a war between 2 ha ha ha
Great to see someone taking care of their clown loaches!
Thank you liriva, same to you.
Ironically enough, one of the 2 bass guitars I sold to pay for all this work, was sold to a guy in Finland!!!, here is what he bought, I miss it like mad


Do your Hoplo's get in the way of tank work, mine do, they must be the noseyest of all fish, allways getting in the way LOL
Just saw this thread and read all the way through. Fantastic! I've recently fallen in love with clown loaches, though I haven't bought any and only have a 55g so probably won't quite yet. Wonderful job on this tank ... and your house!
Threads like this make me want to magically skip uni, get my own place and do something similar! Brilliant! 

Shame I'm stuck at my parents place until September and then I'm stuck without a tank for 3 years 
 Then I have to find a job and be able to afford my own place! 

I'll get there in the end... hopefully.
Nooo don't skip Uni, wish I hadn't!! Playing catch up with Open Uni years behind your own age group just sucks :/
Tizer said:
skip Uni, wish i had
MBOU said:
Nooo don't skip Uni, wish I hadn't!! Playing catch up with Open Uni years behind your own age group just sucks
You know, if I had something to aim towards then maybe I would. I don't though and the only thing I can think that I'd like to do comes after uni. Even if I end up working in a supermarket after it all, I still have a degree!
Plus it's 3 years of a great social life :p
Even if I end up working in a supermarket after it all, I still have a degree!
"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." Albert Einstein 
Only joking
  don't skip Uni +1
It's my thread, so, Don't skip Uni, it's an order!
I'd do it again for the social life! Computer Engineer degree hasn't helped me one bit to become the IT Manager that i am now .... stupid isn't it :)
aaw you to get us some pics of the RLTB, they are amazing, this tank amazes me every time i see it. is there a reason you chose gravel over sand in the tank? and tank porn is the correct term for this tank i think :D
I chose gravel as sand is a pain to keep clean, and the roots of the plants have something to grab hold of to prevent the bigger clowns accidently knocking them over

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