Llj's 36g Journal

How many flowers has that anubias got!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did a little house-cleaning in this tank. As I grow more and more lazy with this hobby, I find that I'm removing plants. I also really enjoy my Brochis, so I'm still trying to create an environment that is better suited for them. There are large expanses of substrate that is now bare and I've removed all of the stemplants except the A. reineckii. Eventually, I'd like to remove that too, so if anybody's interested in some quality A. reineckii, PM me. I'd love to swap for lower light, slow-growing species or some small Echinodorus species. I'm still waiting on the Corydoras sterbai.

I also accidently forgot to change Monday's CO2 canister for two weeks and noticed no difference in plant growth, so one canister might be going soon.

Tank before:


Tank after: I personally think it's a lot cleaner looking now.



Some anubia pictures for Sam. With flowers. :)


Wow, what's the red plant that's on the far left and right? Loving the tank, best one and the bowfront + driftwood makes it look huge.
Wow, what's the red plant that's on the far left and right? Loving the tank, best one and the bowfront + driftwood makes it look huge.

The red plant is Alternantera reineckii, one of the few true red plants that does pretty well in lower light. The tank isn't very large really, only 36g. I guess the wood does make it look bigger. I will say though, that it does look bigger now that the planting is not so dense. On the next scheduled maintenance, I'm going to move the diffusor towards the back, as I think it's a bit of a distraction right now. Otherwise, the hardware is pretty well hidden by the wood. I may also purchase one more smallish piece of wood and suction it to the right side and add a few more anubias and java plantlets to develop that side better.

llj :)
Thanks for the pics, you know a way to a mans heart ;)

The way to a man's heart is through his anubias... :rofl:

There you go again, Sam, always thinking with your anubia.

Remember, this is a family place!
A word to the wise. Do not fix something that isn't broke. I added some ferts to the 36g a few days ago, some Iron, trace, etc and Boom! Greenwater. :X I should have just left it alone. But it had been over 6 months since I've added anything, even rootabs and you begin to worry. No biggy, I'll just dilute things by doing a big water change today, but ferts aren't going into that tank again.

The cloudy water cleared up pretty fast (not greenwater, but a chemical mixup, dosed Iron and trace at the same time), but the tank was a mess. It became the storage place for every cutting from that tank and the three other tanks that I had. I wish I had taken a photo of the mess, but I wasn't going to waste valuable storage space on that! Thank goodness, ICEEGIRL desperately needs plants, and I provided, with gusto!

Besides, on Wednesday, I should be getting some C. pulcher and like Brochis splendens, these corydoras like expanses of bare substrate, so I had to do some heavy-duty clearing. The result is below. The Brochis have thanked me profusely.


llj :)
looks stunning llj
:drool: :drool:

look forward to pics of the new cories ;)
Your tank looks great. I hope ours come out half that good. :#
Yours always look good no matter what you do to them. :drool: Mine don't. It just isn't fair! :shifty: Maybe now that I am getting some of your plants... :hyper:

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