Llj's 36g Journal

Time for an update for this tank too. I added some regular java fern and windelov. I also added some water sprite to the background of this tank to fill it out. Then, I added some small crypts that will be shaded by my lotus. I'm hoping for a flower from that plant. I pruned the zosterfolia and the rest of the stemplants. Algae hasn't been much of a problem for this tank either. This tank has been running for 3 months so it's still quite new. Again, I'll wait until it's 6 months old. I still use CO2 in this tank, I think it is the only way I'll get zosterfolia to thrive in Miami water. I added some new stock, some natural-colored angelfish as a centerpiece fish. I started with 3 young fish, but two had paired off very quickly so the odd one out was placed in my 20g where it is thriving. All three are getting bigger and eating quite well. I can't wait to see them when they are at adult size. I think they'll look quite good.

Of course, enought of my babbling, it's time for pictures!





Let me know what you think,

I just like the tank. I would be very happy if I were the fish staying in there. :)
Still looking pretty lush in there Llj :) kinda makes you want to get in there and have a nose around! Like the cherry barbs, really add a nice splash of colour to the proceedings, perhaps an idea for when I get my 100g, want a nice big shoal of something. Do you find they shoal much?

Still looking pretty lush in there Llj :) kinda makes you want to get in there and have a nose around! Like the cherry barbs, really add a nice splash of colour to the proceedings, perhaps an idea for when I get my 100g, want a nice big shoal of something. Do you find they shoal much?


Actually, cherry barbs, by nature are nearly solitary. I started out with a quintet when I first setup the 8g. A few died (poor stock, others jumped), and then ended up with a single pair. From that single pair came 34 fry that are now adults. The fish have been raised together, so they are a bit more social. 36g is quite a bit of room for these fish, so they are probably more tolerant of each other. They don't squabble, they just aren't social. You'd probably get a similar effect if you kept a single pair and had them breed in all that space, or get a 10g, breed them, raise some fry and transfer them all to the 100g when they get large enough, about 1/2 an inch long. Then add your show piece fish. That's what I did with my angelfish.

llj :)
The Cherry barbs are very nice.
Ive heard that they are actually a fish that likes to be in pairs (male and female) rather than shoals. Being in shoals doesnt harm them at all Im just saying that in the wild they tend to be in pairs.
What you said Llj about your's seems to agree with this.

P.S. nice tank :D
It's been a while with this tankk, almost 2 months since the last update. The layout hasn't really changed much. I keep moving H. zosterfolia around, which has really taken off in this tank, and I'm gradually replacing Egeria with it. Some of my clippings go here, so there is no scape. I exposed the wood cave more for the Brochis, which really seem to like it. Oh yeah, I forgot, I took my advice I gave Jen a while back and purchased 5 Brochis splendens for this tank. Their bulk really adds some substance to the tank. The angelfish are getting bigger and bigger as are the cherry barb fry. I really need to stop calling them fry. I was rewarded with an anubia flower peaking above the suface, which is a little odd. Can they do that?. Underneath my lotus, I'm starting a sort of cryptocoryne jungle/corner, which I hope will fill in nicely and force me to not fiddle so much. The Brochis love this tank, I can see them move like crazy when lights are out. Really should think about moon lights for this tank. Sorry for the random thoughts.

Some pictures for you.

Angelfish, this is the smaller one. Can't wait for these to be fully grown.

Cherry barb fry--I mean adults.

Right side (facing the tank), featuring cryptocorynes/lotus/rocks corner.

Anubia flowering

Full tank shot. It's a jungle out there...

The only drawback ot this tank is the shape. Bowfronts are aweful, 21" deep ones are worse. I'm not a big person, pruning this sucker is really hard. Hard to believe this is only a 36g, it feels bigger.

Thanks for looking,

llj :)
You and your dam tanks! Stop it at once! Why cant I get a tank like yours! :X

Agreed, it certainly does look great. I bet there is lots of colour and movement when you just sit back and enjoy looking at it.

The Angel is a real beauty, too.

Cheers, Dave.
You and your dam tanks! Stop it at once! Why cant I get a tank like yours! :X


I don't know why? You certainly spend more money on equipment than I do. You with all your fancy gadgets and such. :p In all fairness, however, my 36g was a gift from the family. It cost almost $400 for the tank and stand, plus what I spent for that lighting. I wouldn't be able to afford one like it otherwise. My other setups are not so nice. Besides, I wouldn't talk, you have like 3 tanks.

Agreed, it certainly does look great. I bet there is lots of colour and movement when you just sit back and enjoy looking at it.
The Angel is a real beauty, too.

Cheers, Dave.

Thanks, I'm excited about the angels. I want them big already, but I'll just have to wait.
Really nice pics. Would like a tank similar to it if not exactly the same!
Out of interest.. what are the water specs that you are breeding the cherry barbs in?
Really nice pics. Would like a tank similar to it if not exactly the same!
Out of interest.. what are the water specs that you are breeding the cherry barbs in?

Thanks, RadaR. The only major drawback to a bowfront is that it's hard for me to reach the back corner. I'm seriously thinking about either abandoning planting anything there and putting a piece of wood back there, or planting some hardy larger cryptocorynes that I don't have to disturb much and then be done with the back, but I'd like larger species, so they can at least be seen. Both ideas would work well, though the wood has the advantage of attaching anubias to. I do well with those. :)

My cherry barbs bred back in July/August and they didn't breed in this tank. If they breed in my 36g, which I suspect they do, the fry are very quickly eaten by the other inhabitants. My original pair, which are still quite alive, bred in an 8g tank which is now my Dutch layout with platies. Back then, the tank had a pH of 6.8, a kH of between 3-4, a gH of about 14-16, it was densly planted and I only had a solitary pair. If you do a search under cherry barbs, I had a thread a while back that had the details and pictures of the babies. They're really easy to breed, but there shouldn't be any other fish around when they do so, they like being alone.

Thanks again, for the complements, they are always appreciated.

llj :)
Thank you for the detailed response llj.
Im really interested in Cherries now. I will do as you say and search for that thread.
Wow... I should say "LOVELY"... I just love the tank and the barbs... I am having some cherry barbs too and I will check on your thread about breeding it too. :)

Thank you for sharing. ;)
llj, I tried to find the thread about the breeding of your cherry barb but not abloe to get it, do u have the address?

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