Livebearers Photo Sharing Thread

They look like the 1st generation hybrid of guppies and endlers, as they still have very distinctive endler patterns. Most crosses have been breed over many times and look like the endler/guppy gremlin was showing us [post 6]

there is no Endler in the guppy that gremlin shows in post 6 or has the pic of the fish you talk about been removed ?
If you look clos enough you can see the splodges of orange on gremlins fish, and the fish in my sig is an endler so you can see they both have the orange patches. Also, part of the body has a purple hue which is uncommon in true guppies. I'm not saying the fish in gremlins post is the fry from a endler that mated with a guppy, but somewhere up the line it would've been crossed with an endler somewhere and carried the trait.
There is no such thing a "breeding out" the guppy in a guppy / endler cross. Genes are not a simple one or two item thing, they exist in the millions to make up a fish. Given enough time, patience and money, you might some day get a fish that resembled an endler by doing enough carefully selected hybrid / endler crosses but why bother when you can get a single true endler at about £5-£8? That fish that resembled an endler might only take 10 or 15 years and a few dozen carefully selected crosses and would still not be a true endler. It might make a decent counterfeit but why go to that effort for a counterfeit endler?
If you look clos enough you can see the splodges of orange on gremlins fish, and the fish in my sig is an endler so you can see they both have the orange patches. Also, part of the body has a purple hue which is uncommon in true guppies. I'm not saying the fish in gremlins post is the fry from a endler that mated with a guppy, but somewhere up the line it would've been crossed with an endler somewhere and carried the trait.

Not being mean john but you said that the guppy in my avatar is a hybrid and it isn't. Also the guppy in your first pic is everywhere there was about 50 at my lfs identical to yours. The guppy that gremlin posted looks like no hybrid to me either.
Here's my 3 new guppies,haven't got a clue on their id name,unless they just common ones :lol:

Male guppy

Female 1 not a very good pic.

Female 2
I really like your endler Fish48. I can never seem to get a clear shot that close on mine, they move too much.

The Alloophorus fry are cute too, my goodeids never seem to be close together like that. They look to be about 2 cm long in the picture.

Is the picture between those a picture of some skiffia?

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