Little Nemo Diary

Happy Thanksgiving to all those celebrating!

Day 40

Baby Count: 8

The black pigmentation along their caudal fin, second dorsal, and anal fin still developing. Becoming much more apparent on Boss, he looks messy because of it's abnormal pattern. A cute messy though. It looks like 3 more of them are getting more black pigment as well. Gave them some more nutramar nova, BBS, and flake today.
Anyone have a good idea for measuring their size?

Clutch 4
Day 14

Baby Count: 9

It looks like 6 of the 9 now have at least their full first stripe, and only one (that I can tell) has his second stripe.

Picture of one who seems to be already hosting the heater (only has one stripe)

I need to concoct a fake anemone for these guys, and all future babies, out of airline tubing.

Clutch 5
Day 1

Baby Count: ~120

I woke up this morning all excited to see how many babies I had! And I had... 2. It was a disappointment. There was also a small circle of dead eggs starting, the rest of the eggs looked ok, however. About an hour later I checked on them again and the circle of dead eggs had gotten twice as large! I knew I couldn't wait until tonight or they'd all be dead, so I put the top back on them and covered them all up. I checked 5 hours later and I was pleasantly surprised :fun:

Lots of babies swimming around! The circle of dead eggs had gotten larger, but all of the living eggs had hatched out. I guess they just needed more time to hatch!

I took a picture of the dead eggs before removing the pot, and counted the dead eggs to guess-estimate how many fry had hatched. I also took two picture of the tank to attempt and count the fry. From these two sources I'm estimating around 120 fry that hatched. Quite a bit of them are on the bottom, but upon going near them they pop right up and swim away, so hopefully they're just resting. I added more rotifers, however, and many more popped up and started eating.

Here's half of the tank with a bunch of the little guys swimming around

And two of them in a close-up

One thing that has always stumped me is how the eggs die. They always die in a pattern, in a circle. I think it has something to do with the amount of airation they are receiving, but I cannot be certain.
Here's the picture of the dead eggs I took:


As you can see, the patch of dead eggs is quite circular. All of the eggs surrounding that circle of dead eggs were still viable and hatched. I'm considering buying Formalin and dipping the eggs in it before putting them in the tank to hatch, but I haven't decided yet. I'm just happy so many hatched!
Great Nemo. Who knew Boss was messy?:p Wonder how the Anemone out of Airline will work out.
Day 41

Baby Count: 8

Hungry little monsters they are. Feed BBS and flake food today. Managed to get some decent pictures of the "messy" black pigment on their fins



Clutch 4
Day 15

Baby Count: 9

Still getting lots of BBS and they gobble it all up within minutes! Still no interest in flake. They better decide to like it soon... Looks like a second may be gaining a second stripe. 3 still have no head stripe, but it looks like 1 or 2 of them at least have a translucent head stripe.

Baby with his mid-stripe

Clutch 5
Day 2

Baby Count: ??? 110?

Very Very few deaths. Maybe 10? It's so hard to tell because many of them like to "rest" on the bottom in between meals. But when the light goes off, they all go to the top and huddle together, so i'll have to look after the lights go off and see who doesn't join the group. I know there are very few deaths though (exciting!). Pouring plenty of rotifers in for the hungry babies. That seems to be one of the most important things for many reasons; they need a plentiful source of food. Just need to make it to day 4... and should have a definite amount of survivors :) I seem to do very well once they make it to meta.


Overview of a section
They look like little jewels, glinting away in their flower pot :wub:

Are you even a litte bit tempted to keep Boss?

Seffie x
Just sat and read the thread, so exciting! I'll have to pull myself away from the idea of breeding clowns, hehe.
Good going though, can't wait to see how you're 5th clutch do.
Fantastic thread I am really enjoying this one :good:

Really does make me want to start a marine tank :crazy: If the wife finds out im in trouble :lol:
I have read the whole thing and OMG they are soooo cute!!! I dont know how you are ever going to part with them. Can they live in large groups? I would just buy a big fish only tank and keep them in that lol
Day 42

Baby Count: 8

Still swimming along. Constantly bickering with each other. Sometimes I will sit there and watch as two of them for 5 minutes non-stop go around in little circles just bugging each other; I wish I could film it, it's the funniest thing. 1G water change today, fed some flake food and BBS.

Another (better) picture of the black pigment on one of them (not Boss)
All of their black pigment developments are at different stages.

And littlest baby makes another appearance from his usual spot

Clutch 4
Day 16

Baby Count: 9

It looks like all 9 now have head stripes, 2 or 3 having their second stripes. Great stripe development progress :) 1/2G water change today with these guys, still being fed BBS 3 times a day. Tried giving them some flake food again today and at least they seemed a little interested this time, a couple were attempting to nibble on it.

I also attempted to make that air line tube anemone...

The product

A little crude... but none-the-less, resembles an anemone. I tied it to a small bunch of marbles so it would sink.

The Result - They're not impressed...

Clutch 5
Day 3

Baby Count: Unknown AKA a lot. I stopped counting at 60.

Doing really well, still very little deaths. Success!
Hopefully after tomorrow, there will be no more (or even smaller amounts of) deaths.

A randomly chosen baby

Clutch 6
:shout: :hyper: :good:

TBA. Momma has her ova-depositor out, they should start laying within the next 20 minutes if they are on schedule.

wow baby batch 2 are coming on quick!

when they reach a certain point would you be putting batch 1 and 2 together?

I considered it, but I am too worried about their size difference. Since the clutch in between them didn't make it, there is quite an age and size gap, so I will be keeping them separate, however they may end up in the same tank with a divider.

They look like little jewels, glinting away in their flower pot :wub:

Are you even a litte bit tempted to keep Boss?

Seffie x

Yes :(
And littlest Baby.

Fantastic thread I am really enjoying this one :good:

Really does make me want to start a marine tank :crazy: If the wife finds out im in trouble :lol:

I think I've snagged another one :shifty:

I have read the whole thing and OMG they are soooo cute!!! I dont know how you are ever going to part with them. Can they live in large groups? I would just buy a big fish only tank and keep them in that lol

I wish I could do that! They're already bickering with each other though, so I don't think it'd go well in the long run. And I think after the 200th juvenile, I'd start running out of room :crazy:

Thanks for all the continued support everyone!
Guess you will convert Tropicals into Reefers -Nemo-. Well, you could try adhesiveing the tubing to a rock?
Day 43

Baby Count: 8

There's nothing new to report that I can think of. Fed them some BBS and flake food today. They're really getting big, I just wish I could think of a way to accurately and easily measure them.

A couple pictures


Clutch 4
Day 17

Baby Count: 9

Well, It looks like they kinda took to the anemone... Sometimes I'll walk by and catch a glimpse of them swimming in between it, but that could strictly be coincidental. Still feeding them BBS a few times a day, hopefully cutting them off from that shortly so that they will start aggressively eating the flake. It looks like all of them, or at least most of them, have their second stripe now.


Clutch 5
Day 4

Baby Count: I still have no idea AKA still a lot

There's still a ton of babies! I have no idea quite how to even count them. Regardless, the number will probably remain quite constant now :)
Hopefully I can come up with an accurate counting within the next couple days.

Top View:

Look at their round silver bellies!

Clutch 6
Day 1

New babies!


Guess you will convert Tropicals into Reefers -Nemo-. Well, you could try adhesiveing the tubing to a rock?

I'll probably come up with a better fake anemone later on... The tubing just isn't flexible enough.
What an interesting and informative read! Everyone is hooked not to mention impressed by what you have done. No need to say carry on the good work as you are obviously enjoying it all with great success. Just starting my adventure in SW and am just amazed by the LR i have not to mention fish lol.

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