Little Nemo Diary

Thanks for the updates Nemo :good:

How is the growth of the older batches going?

I completely agree with your first rule of experimentation :good:

Regards onebto.
All right, all right!

After failing at clutch after clutch and then having my one baby die that was almost a couple months old (for no apparent reason...), I got frustrated and needed a bit of a break from the frustration hence why I hadn't updated here.

I ditched the black, plastic bins. They just seemed to be black holes of death. I picked up a 2.5G glass rectangle tank and set that up identically as I had been previously. Clutch 12 was the first to be tried with these, this was a few weeks ago. I had gotten lazy with the clownfish mommy daddy feeding schedule and my hatch for clutch 12 reflected that. Only on baby hatched. I put the lone little guy in his new home and did my usual thing. At 6 days old, he disappeared and later noted as dead. Again, I couldn't find any reason for his death.

Clutch 13, about a week ago, hatched and I tried again. I only just started the mommy daddy diet again so again, a low hatch rate. I got 8 little babies and put them in the tank. 2 died only a couple hours later but the 6 did well. Then, day 6, they started to die... again. One by one.

I thought about it. Day 6 is just after I start adding BBS to the tank, maybe it was that? But I couldn't see how, I filter and rinse the BBS before I add them to the tank. But then there was one other thing I thought of. Since I started adding BBS, I stopped caring about the rotifers. I stopped giving them greenwater because the larvae didn't need them anymore. I was starving the rotifers and there was so many that it was causing ammonia spikes which inturn, was killing the babies. I didn't make the connection before, because my ammonia readings were always 0 because my water changing schedule and water testing and rotifer deaths conflicted in just the right way that the ammonia was never caught in my tests.

The ammonia tested at .25 at this point and I added an ammonia neutralizer and then did a water change. I tested it again later that day, and it was at 0. At this point, unfortunately, I only had 2 babies left. The next day, the larger of the two got his first stripe :) a new record. A stripe at 7 days old. They are now 11 days old and still going well. The larger has two stripes and the second is just starting his tail wagging today, so he will probably have his stripe tonight or tomorrow morning.

Now, Clutch 14. They're due to hatch tonight. The Game Plan: Changing the water earlier!!
Hopefully my hatch rate will be increased with the better diet this time.

In other news...

New Friend (now name Trub Trub) now has a girlfriend temporarily named Miss Trubs. Trub Trub's previous girlfriend ended up being a... erm.. boy. It didn't work out. Then Miss. Trubs came along. She's older than Trub Trub, but he told me likes the more mature females. They've been together for a couple weeks now, I'm hoping the family starts soon.

Here's the two of them spending time together at Trub Trub's place (Trub Trub is in the back & Miss. Trubs in the front):


And here's a picture of some of the older babies:


And one of the new baby with his little stripes:


I'll let you know how Clutch 14 Goes.
thats really cool
Thank you so much for the update :good: and the pictures

So glad to hear trub trub has himself a cougar :lol: I hope they get on well together :wub:

I do hope the new clowns go well and your changes work well.

I guess you have figured this out but its worth mentioning that as well as writing an appealing, interesting and addictive diary you are also creating a useful and well documented diary on how to breed clown fish.

My compliments

Regards onebto
Here's the update.
I go into the room and see that the light has fallen off the tank.. Woops.. Put it back on and they've already started to hatch. I watched for a while and went away to finish some other things and came back an hour later to see that all of the eggs had finished hatching. It wasn't too late, so I set-up their tank and put a gallon of mommy-daddy water in. I then put in about 2 cups of rotifers and then added them. Plugged in the heater, dripped in more mommy-daddy water with some greenwater.

This morning I took out deads and did a 25% water change, replaced the water with mommy-daddy water again. Tested for ammonia which came out as 0 :) Then added another cup of rotifers. About 7 hours later i got the opportunity to check on them again. Quite a bit of deads, but I removed them all. some hours later (not too long ago) Checked on them again and happy to say there were no additional deads :) Ammonia also tested out at 0 again. I dripped in some freshwater and lowered their salinity down to 1.023.

Looking good so far! If there are little deads tonight, it will be an amazing sign!
This morning, only 4 died over night :)
All of the ones alive are very very active, not sitting on the bottom at all, going around eating rotifers. I am very confident about these guys.

I removed the deads and tested their water.
Their water tested was a little inconclusive, I thought there may have been a trace amount of ammonia so I played it safe and gave them some amquel and then did a 25% change.
I lowered their salinity a little more, down to 1.021, and then added another cup of rotifers to their tank.

The 2 older ones are still doing well. The smaller one now has his head stripe and they're chowing down on BBS. They are both 13 Days old.

How big Is the clutch to begin with nemo?
There was probably around 200 eggs, Not sure how many fry I caught. Perhaps 80-100, I have probably 30-40 left now. I'm just completely guessing on all those numbers :unsure:
How's the colouring coming along Nemo If I recall you got something to pump the colour up a bit ?
Fantastic thread nemo.

Seems you might have sussed the reasons for the large amount of die of and the low survival rate. Hope the new clutches continue to thrive, fingers crossed.
I'm hooked with your thread Nemo, what a wealth of info, my two Percs have suddenly started courting seriously and I'm sort of trying to decide whether to try and rear any potential offspring. Have really been hooked by your ups and downs, but not yet sure if I can cope with the stress of motherhood!lol
At least I know where to look for answers now!
Good luck with the new clutch and the Trub trubs
So I had a new idea. I tried this last clutch but due to unforeseen circumstances... (ie. an overflowing sump, a dead return pump, saltwater in the electrical outlet...) None from that clutch survived the terrible events.

That trial didn't count.

My idea was to create a little box that can sit inside my DT and house the babies and also has holes small enough where not even rotifers can fit through.
I used a fish carrier, cut a hole in it and put in a 45 micron mesh.

Babies hatched last night, so here's a picture of them in the contraption, along with a bubbler pumping out about 1 small air bubble once a second.


That picture, however, really fails to show just how many babies there really are in there.... Here's a top view. (Look at all the black specs towards the bottom of the picture):


And a couple other pictures:



Here's hoping...

Sadly I have to report that Trub Trub has since passed away. I have no idea what his cause of death was. He was perfectly fine all day and he ate that night but then the next morning he was found :-(
I will miss him and his corky personality. First adult fish I've lost in years...

Miss Trubs was upset for a while and is now back to her normal self. I'll be getting her a new boyfriend when I get the chance to set her special tank up.

How's the colouring coming along Nemo If I recall you got something to pump the colour up a bit ?

Yes sir. It works wonders. Not only turned the eggs more orange but turned daddy clownfish more orange too!
Day 3 of this clutch... I estimate about 100 to still be alive (YAY!)
I think I may have finally found the cure.

One guess as to why they're surviving better now? Someone suggested that the phytoplankton may have been a problem. There was too much and caused a decrease in oxygen levels as night causing the fry to die. With this method, I'm not adding any phyto. Instead i'm adding rotifers in 2-3 time a day. Also with this method though, they have 35G of water so no chance of an ammonia problem. Whatever it is, I'm just glad it seems to be working. It's about time!

There's also maybe 5-10 cleaner shrimp i discovered running around in there lol. I didn't even know the shrimp ha released her babies the same night. I wonder how only 10 or so made it in. They're still alive thus far too. Thye seem to be feeding on the rotifers and any dead larvae as well...

Although I've discovered hydromedusae in my tank.... I've never had them before but they've started to appear which could be bad for any fry... I'll have to keep an eye out on them, there aren't TOO many at the moment.
congrats nemo, job well done, hopefully you have minimal losses for the rest of the "program"

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