Little Nemo Diary

So waited nearly all night last night for them to hatch... I got disappointed again :(
Darn cold weather... I'm blaming it on that.

The eggs are all still healthy just nearly all (> 95%) are still there. I did, however, catch 2 babies again last night :) and these ones made it to the larval tank! I guess the meshing was the problem, so problem solved! Still waiting for the mass hatching though :angry:

I love That clown fish so cute. Makes me want to steal him :shifty:

whats that on picture 1/2

it looks like an egg or something? :blink:

On which picture?
I Love Daddy Clowny :wub:


The first picture?

it looks like a fry? Or some sort of egg? :blink:
That's a little baby :blink:

If you mean this one,

So happy new year's everyone, should have said that earlier. Here are some pictures and a video.

Here's the video I promised days ago of the larval catcher working:

Here's the baby from Clutch 7. His second strips much apparent today. His brother is only just getting his first stripe and has also decided to host... the heater. I'm trying to get them onto flake so that in a week or two they can join their older brothers in the big tank.



Putting the DT to bed early again tonight... probably in about an hour so hopefully these little devils hatch!! 10 Days and still not hatched all the way!
Cute. :good:

makes me want to hug them but thats imposssible

Arethese captive bred?? Or Wild?
Mr. and Mrs. Clownfish are captive bred Ocellaris :good:
Oh thats good to know then as i heard poision is used to catch Marine fish witch shortens there life spans :unsure: they make the posion so they have time to import them Take them to the LFS Q/T them and then put them in your aquairum at home to last 6 months :-(

when i heard that i though to myself "Some People! What they wolud do for money! :angry: "
Mr. and Mrs. Clownfish are captive bred Ocellaris :good:
Oh thats good to know then as i heard poision is used to catch Marine fish witch shortens there life spans :unsure: they make the posion so they have time to import them Take them to the LFS Q/T them and then put them in your aquairum at home to last 6 months :-(

when i heard that i though to myself "Some People! What they wolud do for money! :angry: "

That is true, but I believe it is more rare than common. I had a wrasse when I first started, who I believe from cyanide poisoning.

So here's what I woke up to this morning in the larval snagger


And if you need a better picture, here they are getting acclimated to the larvae tank


:hyper: :good: :fun: :D

Official count: 320 !

And there's still some more eggs left. Not many, but maybe around 50. Hopefully the rest hatch tonight :hyper:
Thanks guys :good: I'm super excited about this working. I didn't even have to turn off the pumps/filters!

I noticed some deads piling up at the bottom so (learning from past mistakes) I siphoned them out. And then I went and put the 10-15 larvae back into the tank that were just pretending to be dead. I took a picture so I can continue to estimate the amount of fry I have. 170 Deads :crazy: however, still not too bad considering there's about 150 left in there with another 50 coming tonight )hopefully). I think most/all of those were not doing very well to begin with. I had noticed quite a few not looking or acting too well when I was acclimating them earlier. But, they have plenty of rotifers to chomp on for now and most of them are taking the chance to chomp on as many as possible. I've also added some ammo-lock (I think it's called that...) to help neutralize any ammonia in there. Once the others hatch, I'll also start to slowly lower the salinity as it's been proven to increase survival rates.

It seems that most people have about 80 max fish live so I'm still quite a bit above that number for now.
All I'm hoping for is to beat my previous record, 9 fish from Clutch 4. :rolleyes:

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