Lighting & Feeding


New Member
Aug 18, 2003
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Okay, here's a puzzle, I've read that I should keep my light on in the tank for 12-14 hours a day. I'd like to view the fish in the evening up to a bedtime the earliest of which would be say 10pm. But I leave the house at 6am!

So, I could put the light on a timer to say, come on at 8am, but what would i do about feeding the fish? Just feed them twice in the evening or feed them at 6am in the dark?

Any suggestions?
Why feed them twice at all? Adult fish will survive quite happily on one feed a day and it will be much easier on your filter and water quallity.

Lights only need to be on for long periods if there are live plants in the tank as they require tropical daylight times to survive,i have the lights full on in my planted tanks for 10 hours with a 1 1/2 hour period either way of half lights on.

If you have no plants you do not need to put the lights on at all unless you wish to view your fish,as long as the room is lit either by natural or artificial light the fish will still have a sense of night and day,keeping the lights off will also help keep algea levels down.

So unless your tank has live plants you can just switch the lights on in the evening when you get home from work and feed them then,in the light where you can see them.

If you do have live plants then timers are the way to go,just set the timers to come on at a time that suits when you want to be veiwing the fish.

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