

Fish Crazy
May 31, 2007
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I was just wondering why in (Most) LFS they always put gravel with Tropical Fish and not use sand?~

Might be a simple answer but i always wondered
Cheaper, easier for them to clean. I'm not sure not all of the LFS's around here use gravel in all the tanks, most just leave the bottom of the tank bare, so it's even easier to clean.
I want sand in my new tank, but im unsure, is it a nightmare to clean ?
its not that bad really. there is a technique to it. use your gravel vac, but dont stick it in the sand. swirl it in small circles about 1" above the sand. this creates a 'vortex' that stirs the muck up and makes it easy to get without getting that sand. it takes a bit of practice but its easy enough
Hey i work down in Pets@Home in England, we use sand in our tanks.
It looks really good, but u need to have a godd filter, cos you can easily see all the wasted food and poo on the sand.
Also its not good with a strong current. We "lost" several ornaments in our big 120 litre show tank when the current buried them in sand.
But other thank that sand is good, if a little more expensive.
Like Promethius said u need to be careful with the gravel vac.


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