LFS conspiracy

Strange. I can get females of any species from any of my LFS. Even Wal-Mart sells female Betta.
female bettas are just as pretty as males, the stores just sell the blan ones. There are alos males that look like those blan females. As for guppies, Ive never seen a female version of the colorful ones either, just fanceys because they usually look the same.

i have never seen female dwarf gouramis though.
my lfs has 1 tank male gups 1 tank female , 1 tank of female bettas and the female gouramis are generally mixed in.
It does seem that not everyone has problems with this subject,but if anyone in england fancy's putting it to the test and just phone a couple of your own ifs's and just ask if they have any females of either a few of the ones i mention or even some of your own and just see how many they say they have.

On the other hand i can almost understand what there trying to say when they claim the distributor has cut off supply of female dwarf's because i do have a couple from a breeding about 18 months ago and they are very ordinary compared to the males(a little like humans i suppose).

But the lfs always turns around to me and says the same thing every week "we are expecting them in next week" and i've heard this for over a year now.
Dude do you not like the ladies?? Or is it that your a male supremisist? As tempting as it is to believe that the black helocopters are out to get you did you ever consider that yes females are harder to move off the shelves. Have you ever seen a female endler unless your out to breed them you dont want one they are the ugliest guppies imaginable And many females are the same way You cant expect fish shops to go out of there way to satisfy the small group of fish keepers out there who acctually want to breed fish most fish keepers think of fish as furniture.

And female bettas are less colorfull and have smaller fins if not then they wouldn't be of much use to a breeder because the males would kill them. I personnaly like the females better they are alot nicer to each other too.

And Wolf I dont believe your story on the zebra danios unless you were giveing away hundreds or your fish shop owner was straped for cash you wouldnt be worth his time unless you approatched him (then your story is rather misleading) danios are chee he get them for probably 5 cents a piece heed need to give you more than that wouldnt he and most shops sell them for under 2,50 cents and thats after pushing 50 cents worth of live food down there throats. In any case you would need to be churning out hundreds of adolescent sized fish every year to attract his attention and if your investment in the hobby were that big then you could probably contact a supplyer on your own

Why is it people always think it's a conspiracy if a little thing is wrong, i blame TV for making us think like this!
"I'm only paranoid because everyone's out to get me!!" -- Frank Burns

edit: but, there is one fish I can think of that I know certain fish stores in this area won't sell females of, merely because they don't want people breeding them -- Endler's livebearers.
wolfie33 said:

Can i just say that through my experiences of breeding fish never before have i seen such a lack of females in all my lfs.
mine have non of the following females and havent had ffor a long time.

infact most of the only male/female pairs they have are when the difference is to hard to tell.

it's my opinion that if they were to sell a know pair then they will pressume that it's for breeding purposes and if you were succesfull at the breeding then they run the risk that you won't buy anymore of that fish and also there is a risk you may give some away which will lead to the fish not being sold to that person.

well i understand they do have to make money and i'm sure not all lfs do this but from around my area its like a jurrasic park mentality of one sex only with the odd female somtimes slipping through.

I do hope that an lfs worker or owner could explain to me why this is becoming a more fashionable trend
Thats weird cause the lfs i go to ONLY sell the guppies in a pair u cant just buy one. u have to get a male and female. thats only guppies though.
shouldn't this "conspiracy" go all the way up to the breeders who don't ship the females of some species because it will effect them the most -Anne
Bol said:
"I'm only paranoid because everyone's out to get me!!" -- Frank Burns

edit: but, there is one fish I can think of that I know certain fish stores in this area won't sell females of, merely because they don't want people breeding them -- Endler's livebearers.
why? well i know they only want pure endlers but why wouldnt they sell them? :huh:
My LFS used to get Female endlers But the femsl sold at about 1/20th the pace of the males. Female endlers are really ugly!
I can get female bettas at walmart, so no problems there. However, I was talking to the woman at a lfs and she told me that the place that she gets her fish won't send her female Gourami's. She also told me that alot of the males people get are injected with hormones so that they grow faster and have better colors..... all this done way before the store gets them. :angry:
Here we have female platies, mollies, guppies and the such. But there are no female dwarf gouramis and bettas.

BlueIce said:
perhaps the govmnt has listening devices planted in the females and the lfs refuses to carry them to hinder the govmnts plan?

tho it could just b that female fish are generally not as colorful and attractive and don't sell as well as males...


the plot thickens
Indeed...all a dark and sinister plot.Now that Wolfie has caught on,we'll just have to kill him.Too bad...but at least he'll sleep with the fishes :lol:


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