Fish Aficionado
You can do more than you think you can
I will most definitely come back to this post several times, I'm sure. I am slowly working my way through reading all of the posts, too.
Although I keep only bettas at home - I am all for the rights of all tiny aquatic creatures - and even the big ugly ones. They all deserve a great chance at life - just because they're unlucky enough to fall under the care of some uncaring schmuck or store that cares more for making a profit than they do for life is no reason why we shouldn't fight for them. We all love our fish. I just feel bad that not all aquatic animals get the same care that most of ours do.
They have no voice that we, as humans, can hear. I like to think I'm that voice, and if I need to raise it so someone takes notice, I do that once in a while. And if feels kinda good.
I will most definitely come back to this post several times, I'm sure. I am slowly working my way through reading all of the posts, too.
Although I keep only bettas at home - I am all for the rights of all tiny aquatic creatures - and even the big ugly ones. They all deserve a great chance at life - just because they're unlucky enough to fall under the care of some uncaring schmuck or store that cares more for making a profit than they do for life is no reason why we shouldn't fight for them. We all love our fish. I just feel bad that not all aquatic animals get the same care that most of ours do.
They have no voice that we, as humans, can hear. I like to think I'm that voice, and if I need to raise it so someone takes notice, I do that once in a while. And if feels kinda good.