let's organize

How can we educate people who want to buy fish but have never bought them before. Wall-mart relies on these people so they are the target for this campaign. Other than commercials I can't think of anything that would be really effective. We could spend the rest of our lives standing in the fish aisle of wallmart saying don't buy fish here don't buy fish here but man wouldn't that suck. Hmm what to do what to do. I know that I don't have to shop there but that's not really solving the problem it's just making it a slightly smaller one. I wish lfs would ask if you have researched the fish oyu want before they will sell you any. What do you think Wall-mart would do if I went in there with a camera and started taking pictures of there fish tanks?

Any idea's people this is a problem that needs a solution. A thousand fish died today because we didn't do anything yesterday.

It has deeper roots in our society as a whole. We are driven by the all mighty dollar. For example I have heard that logging companies are hunting tasmanian tigers so that the land they live on can't be protected. This is such a huge problem. Maybe a gloabl petition about not being able to log 200 or more year old forests. That doesn't solve the lfs problem though. I'm at a loss.
There are hundreds of active groups already in the world who have found a cause to pursuit. You seem to have a ton of sincerity. Maybe do some local research to find out what is around you that you share beliefs in. You may even find a wild life preservation society that will share you concern and you may be able to make a new 'branch' or at least have a team of experienced... radicalists... that could help you devise your plan... (sorry about the evil sounding twist at the end... I began thinking of my own plans to take over the world.)
today poor fish keeping tommorrow the rainforest.
Where do you suggest we start? Don't get me wrong you're right, there are a lot of things wrong with this world. but why not poor fishkeeping practices by lfs. Can you name something that we all have bought into that costs as many lives as fishkeeping?

EDIT: you know i've thought from time to time what if wall mart or some shadowy fish god figure sends people onto these forums to discourage people from this kind of talk. j/k I know you guys are serious when you say there are more important things to take care of but hey maybe when we get an organization set up to save the fishies we could take care of those bigger problems. Common ground and all that
Torrean said:
I don't see what you mean about hurting there businiss. I would think that having healthier fish and fewer dead fish in the tank would help there business. EDIT: (Also having someone in wallmart pointing out the disease in the tanks will let the people shopping there know that they should go find an lfs with healthy fish, I think this would increase the income of small business." I am talking about basically educating the uneducated employees at fish stores.
I agree with you that there are bigger problems out there but this is a big problem too.

"If you see something wrong in a store ask someone to fix it...heck grab a net and scoop that dead fish out yourself, with that at least your stating that you as a person cares about not only the fish/animals but you also care about the business and with a positive message like that you are sure to win in time.."

this is exactly what i want to do but on a large scale. I think we can make a difference but not if people take the attitude that oh i'm just one person what can I do, especially when someone tries to say, "Hey we are a bunch of people we can make a big difference if we organize."
What I mean is really simple...go into a small LFS and start pointing out all the things you see wrong with it and people tend to notice, and maybe then they will head down to the walmart to buy there fish...get it ??

Really no one is trashing your idea, it is just not going to happen no matter what you try to do...

and BTW no one sent me or anyone here to stop you or your idea...how about this instead of posting about doing soemthing why don't you just go out and do it on your own.

I do grey legion but one person walking into wallmart and saying these fish are half dead is not going to change every wallmart in the country. I see your point about going into lfs's and saying these fish are sick but don't you think that the people will go into wall-mart and see that there fish are in even worse condition?
Walmart is one of my pet peevesand I could post a couple pages on them. I have always hated to go in them and once I saw their fish, I swore I would never go back. That's not going to put them out of business but at least I'm not supporting their practices. I don't think there is much a group of fish keepers can do to hurt WM. They are huge and couldn't care less how we feel about their fish keeping practices. I am not a confrontational person but I have confronted a WM pet dept. manager (and the assistant store manager) and as NC said, he was not very happy at what I had to say. Actually, he did have a fair amount of knowledge about fish, more than I expected. He pretty much summed up the problem though in our conversation. I said that no fish keeper in their right mind would ever buy a fish from their tanks. He said that WM wasn't out to sell to people in the hobby. They were there to sell to the public - people who are new just like we were once and know zero about fish (he didn't say that part). They were selling about $900 of fish a week. That's a lot of $1.99 tetras and goldfish. He also said that he tried to keep the tanks clean but that he was the only employee in the pet dept. (this is a huge WM Superstore) and that he simply didn't have time to do it (also said he had already been reprimanded for spending too much time on the tanks). Bottom line is, WM is out to make money. They make way more on the tanks and accesories they sell than they lose on dead fish. Nothing anyone in this forum does is going to change that. I just simply choose not to spend my money there.
I have only read like the first 3 posts in this thread so sorry if I'm repeating what other people said but I think, though what you are thinking of doing will probably make absolutely no difference to the attitude of the employees and the shop towards their fish, maybe you could save a few fish by pointing out diseases and dead fish and making sure such things are fixed - at least that one time.
Several ppl here on TFF have actually gottin jobs in rotten places to help the situation. Why dont you look in the opposite direction to meaningless protests (by meaningless i mean Wal mArt wont listen, hence pointless) and try to get a job there. That way you could proform both telling customers how to care for fish properly, and prevent other Walmart employees from miss treating the fish on the shelves. :)

Was that a good suggestion or what? :p
After reading various posts that mention Wal Mart, I had to go look at their fish when I was in there today. I have to admit, it was pretty sad. I don't even like getting fish at the pet store chains--I'll drive 20 or 30 miles out of the way to go to a family owned pet store. Just because.
That is a great suggestion about gettingg a job there. I would praise anyone who get's a job at wallmart to help the fish. My problem, well it's not really a problem, is that someone already did that at my wallmart. The wallmart that got me all fired up is like 45 min away, so I can't really get a job there, but I wouldn't mind going there once or twice a month and pointing out sick dead fish. What sylvia said is my point. If this were done in all of our local fish shops on a regular basis then things might change. If i do it in my local stores like one of you said then yeah i will save some fish in those stores but i want to do something to help a lot of fish. So I figured trying to motivate you guys to do the same might be the best way to do this. I know we can't bring wall mart down but maybe we can bring it up. Complain to the spca, call your congressman, I don't care just take action. The fish can't defend themselves and we can't buy them all. We need to take action. I sent an e-mail to wallmart today telling them that I would not buy anything from there danville store because of the state of there fish tanks. I know this won't solve the problem but maybe if 2-300 people did it across the country/world, wallmart might think about the repurcussions of having shi**y tanks. If the managers won't let the employees clean the tanks then maybe the spca really needs to get involved.

edit: I've heard a lot of people talking about all the dead and sick fish but not too many who have done anything about it. I am guilty of this as well. I went into that wallmart and saw those awfull fish tanks. All I did was stand there for a few minutes talking about it hoping i dissuaded some people from buying the fish. I talked 2 guys out of buying any but that's it. I felt really bad wehn I got home so I got on here and tried to change things, and build up my confidence a bit so i wouldn't chicken out next time, and believe me I won't.
that;s what really get's me fired up. If I let my dog starve to death or keep him on a two foot chain I could go to jail but if wallmart sells two rainbow sharks to a kid who's gonna put them in a one gallon they get tax breaks. :grr: :sad:
Yup, I agree fish get a bad wrap as pets...but sadly we all learned about keeping them the hard way and we all have a story of a fish or 2 dieing on us...

I try to do my best to help out my LFS I do no use the chain stores to much so I have no interest going in to look at the fish..the times I did they were actually pretty good...but in Canada pay rates are pretty good and employees are expected to maintain a certain level of quality if they want to keep there pay,

I have never seen any really bad problems with any store that sells fish ( except the grocery store those poor lobsters and trouts )

so I guess it is best to rally with people in your area first then try to cure the world second...

good luck on your adventure !!


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