Lets Hear Your Betta's Names


Fish Fanatic
Jan 2, 2009
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Weedon, Northamptonshire
Well as yesterday I finally figured out a name for my betta, im interested in what everyone else has come up with for theirs and why? :D


NASA - because his tail looks like a NASA rocket :)

He's awsome! i love the blue in his tail,

I've called mine (well the other half) Jacki Chan due to him being a fighter,

his other names are Pork Chop and bluey
Well 'when' I get mine... I'm going to call him Chuck Norris.

I have Bristlenose Plec in my community called Leeroy Jenkins as well haha

(Don't worry - Chuck isn't going in my community!) :good:
Mine are :

Pluto- he's blue
Sam - short for Samuri he's red and white and black
Mimic - because she's the spit of Maddie's lovely girl Dink

Lucky - a fry I had that was just about to get eaten by dad....
I like more foreign sounding names, so no Freddy or Spot for me, lol. These are my guys, though Sweeney and Ed Gein have both gone to meet Jesus.

My first betta was Sweeney, after Sweeney Todd, the character in the play. I specifically went out looking for a red Betta, just so I could name it Sweeney, and I found my fish, the perfect choice for the name.

Leroidesanimaux means King of the Animals, and technically, I didn't think it up myself. There's a racehorse out there (well, retired now, to stud) who has that name, and that's where I knew of it. I liked the sound of it, plus the meaning, and it perfectly fit my blue/red/purple crowntail, lol. I call him Leroy for short.

Ed Gein used to belong to my sister's friend, until he was given to me (the friend couldn't take care of him anymore). I love that name, too, even though I didn't think it up, because it's the name of a serial killer-cannibal.

Sudoku is my newest male, who I bought as a female (hmmm...). It took a week or two to figure out if it was a male or female, and after a lot of evidence, "it" is definitely a "he." Since I'm obsessed with the Suduko puzzles lately, it hit me that it was the perfect name for him.

Monashee is my first female, and, like Leroidesanimaux, I stole it from a racehorse. Monashee means Gentle Mountain.

Paprika is basically named after the spice. Eh, her color fits it somewhat, and since her coat has no sparkle and she's so lazy and laid-back, I thought she needed a name with some pizzaz.

Olive is my most ordinary name, and I'm thinking of changing it. I keep trying to spell or pronounce it as Oliva, who, again, is a horse. Plus, she's not really the green color of an Olive, so it doesn't really fit her.

Well 'when' I get mine... I'm going to call him Chuck Norris
haha, I've already decided to name my sole living Bristlenose fry, Chuck Norris, when he's all grown up (he's almost 5 months old now). Part of me is hoping he'll be a male, so I can give him that name, because I haven't thought up the perfect name for him if he is actually a she. His parents are Sir Burton (kind of a hybrid name between my favorite director, Tim Burton, and a racehorse from the early 1900s, Sir Barton) and Mrs Lovett (another Sweeney Todd musical character, lol; Tim Burton made the Sweeney Todd movie, and his partner, Helena Bonham Carter, played the role of Mrs Lovett)
Well as yesterday I finally figured out a name for my betta, im interested in what everyone else has come up with for theirs and why? :D


NASA - because his tail looks like a NASA rocket :)

:lol: So you called him NASA in the end then, sorry for the suggestion that he looks like a rocket :no: :fun:

I have a quad Ray CT called Imhotep (cuz he looks Egyptian), a triple ray CT called Fluffy (don't ask!), a PK called Nero (his name when I adopted him from phoenixbaby), a yellow VT called Mango (he looks like mango chutney), an electric blue VT called Spence (don't know why, it just sort of suits him), a red & blue VT called Blade (again, it just suits him) and a red & sky blue VT called Brinn (my first Betta and named after Yul Brinner who played the King of Siam in The King And I).

Girls, I have Trixi, Fifi, Annie (after a very good friend of mine), Krissie (after Kochanski from Red Dwarf), Daisy (named after my wife's niece), Rosie (would have been strawberry & cream but it didn't sound right) and Suzie.
Well as yesterday I finally figured out a name for my betta, im interested in what everyone else has come up with for theirs and why? :D


NASA - because his tail looks like a NASA rocket :)

:lol: So you called him NASA in the end then, sorry for the suggestion that he looks like a rocket :no: :fun:

It was an awesome suggestion! :drinks: :p
mine hasnt got a name yey :(

my son calls him the fluffy fish, i just call him fish!
Sharky - named by my son. It's quite fitting because he attacks the food on my finger whenever I feed him.
Ricky and Fred after the old "I Love Lucy" show - I LOVED it as a kid!

Confetti because of all his colors.

Blizzard because when I got him he was snow white - getting a little color on him now, though. :(

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