Lethargic betta

Hey sorry for not updating betta is doing much better he’s started unclamping his lower fins he’s much more active sometimes he hides behind the filter but I see him swimming around all over the tank and his appetite is still great. I do see him hang out at the bottom of the tank sometimes not lying on his side but just kind of sitting there? Like his fins just barely touch the gravel and he sits there? But not for too long. I’ve turned the filter back on and it doesn’t seem to bother him so that’s good. I ended up buying the api quick start because it was the easiest to dose for my tank but I’m still scared of using it? Also a question on sponge filters for the air pump I see ones for 10 gal but since mine is 2.5 aren’t they too strong? And also is it possible to use any pump with any sponge filter?
Good to hear he's doing better. sorry I can't answer the questions about sponge filter and api quick start, I don't use either. But I do use a sponge filter for my 10g.

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