Leporinus fasciatus


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Oct 25, 2003
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I am interested in finding some smallish oddballs to live in a 30g long with two Peacock Eels, I was thinking of Leporinus fasciatus but I know these get to large reaching sizes above 12 inches, so can anyone suggest another largish sized Oddball for a 30g. I was looking at Abramites hypselontus, and a few others. I know these aren't strictly Oddballs but as I am looking for similar fish that may include Oddballs and I am open to suggestions on Oddballs I posted here. I am just wanting an opinion of what you think I should keep, I am familar with the species I have suggested. So I don't need info just some experiences and views.

Thanks :)
I keep and have kept both leporanis and abramites and have found them to be reasonably aggressive fin nippers that should only be kept with tough or larger fish, not good choices for the typical community aquarium at all.

How about a species of goby? There are many species that grow to around 4 to 5 inches and a pair or small group would work well in a 30 with the eels, my personal favourites are Morgurnda morgurnda and the closely related Morgurnda adspersa both of which have started to become more commonly available within the UK recently.

I had a feeling that it may not be possible :/ , I had looked at those Gobies and I can't say I am a great fan, the only fish in the tank will be the two Peacock Eels my Kisser is going in another tank and the Gibbiceps is going to a better home. I was looking for a species from the South American region that is a Mid-water to bottom dwelling species reaching at leasy 5 inches any suggestions. :) How about Distichodus affinis.
Distichodus species come from africa but the affinis species would be fine, are you aware that they are extreme herbivors that will demolish any live plants you may have?

How about going for a south american cichlid? Geophagus brassiliensis would suit a 30g tank and show stunning colours when settled plus are very easy to breed.
Yes I am aware they are extreme Herbivours, the tank wouldn't be planted instead furnished with Bogwood and stones. I was going to feed plenty of vegtables to surfice. The Geophagus brassiliensis looks like a nice fish, but I am still looking for something any more suggestions. I had a look at Nobals Distichodus the smallest of the Distichodus and the eight banded Leporinus (especailly like :) ). But as you say these may be nippy so I still looking for that right fish.

I know Distichodus species aren't fond of their own kind, are the affinis species. Are the Geophagus brassiliensis a common fish, were are they from do you have any info? :) Following some research I have discovered that they can reach 10 inches in captivity which seems to big for a 30g long?
Do you know much about leporinus octofasciatum?
ryan said:

I know Distichodus species aren't fond of their own kind, are the affinis species. Are the Geophagus brassiliensis a common fish, were are they from do you have any info? :) Following some research I have discovered that they can reach 10 inches in captivity which seems to big for a 30g long?
On the distichodus i honestly dont know, i havent kept any of the distichodus species yet and i havent been able to find anything that says yay or nay.

The Geophagus certainly seem to be reasonably common around this area, i recently picked up a small pair for around £6. They like all members of the Geophagus family come from the amazon basin, they are peaceful in their temperment but are still aggressive enough to be able to stand up to larger and semi aggressive fish. Once you have a pair they are extremely easy to breed, mine spawned with 48 hours of purchase. Although most places quote 10" as the maximum size this is very unlikey and 5 to 6 inch is much more common.

Of the Leporanis octofasciatus i havent kept them (nor seen them in this country) but from what read they are suitable for community tanks of larger fish, what worries me is the baensch recomendation that this fish be kept in a 6 foot tank, while i believe their is often room for a little sway in tank size recomendations halving the recomended tank size does seem a little extreme.
Thanks CFC I was also thinking of Monocirrhus polyacanthus. As for the Distichodus affinis, I think althoug smallish fish they will need more swimming room than a 30g can provide. :) I was also wondering how well the Eels will stand up for themselves, will they be ok with the high backed headstander. As for the Mogurnda mogurnda-what size fishes are they likely to eat, are they aggressive and I know they can reach roughly 7 inches so are they to big?

Current Plan-

2 Peacock Eels
2 Geophagus brassiliensis
From personal experience i can say that the monocirrhus polyacanthus is deffinately a fish for the specialised or species tank. They need a heavily planted tank and perfect water quality at all times, they do not appreciate larger or active tankmates, small fish will be eaten.

The morgurnda's rarely reach over 4" in captivity, in 4 years of keeping them i have never had one over this size, they will eat fish up to around 2" when full grown and have a temperment similar to that of the geophagus.

The eels are quite capable of defending themselves against semi aggressive fish and if the going gets too tough they will just burrow under the sand and disappeer, i have 3 in my large tank which by rights should have been eaten long ago but avoid becoming snacks for the now much larger predators by hiding and only feeding at night.
Ok, so here is what I am thinking-

2 Peacock Eels
1 Morgurnda
2 Geophagus brassiliensis

I have set up most of the tank- A sand substrate and the built in Juwel filter with a mini internal and a power head run on PVC piping under the sand with a filter sponge on the end ensuring a maximum flow through the built in filter. The tank will be furnished with Bogwood, natural rock and a few hardier plants like Java Fern. A diet of live/frozen bloodworm and brine shrimp along with the normal flakes, sinking pellets, freeze dried foods and a little veg matter I may even try some earthworms with the Eels.
these fish sound very cool but i dnt wot they r!! wots a morgunda is there a common name for it and the cichlid u mentioned???
The morgurnda is sometimes sold under the name purple stripe gudgeon and the geophagus brassiliensis is sometimes sold under the name of pearl cichlid.
Would you say the setup in the my previous post is ok CFC. I have managed to find a morgurnda for 30 pounds I thourght this was very high though, how much did you purchase yours for?
The set up sounds fine though you may want to get more than one morgurnda, they are reasonably easy to breed and have interesting courtship rituals.

£30 for a morgurnda is robbery!!! i paid £12 for a pair around 6 months ago and have since bred them. Unfortunately the female died unexpectedly after the spawn and i only have 7 of the offspring left otherwise i would have sold you some of them. Once the ones i have are sexually mature in about another 6 months i will hopefully breed them so if you havent sourced any cheaper ones by then youll be welcome to some of the fry.

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