Leopard Frog Pleco(l134-i Think?!?!)

Do you know any sites in the uk where you can buy plecos from,i really like the look of these guys!
I bought my two L134's from Trimar about 2 months ago and they were gorgeous specimens. Didn't eat for about a week, but that was because they were settling in still. Now they're growing and look very happy and fat.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

I bought my two L134's from Trimar about 2 months ago and they were gorgeous specimens. Didn't eat for about a week, but that was because they were settling in still. Now they're growing and look very happy and fat.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Kl How big were they and what else did you buy for the £10 postage offer?
The L134's were about 7-8 cm long.

I bought 2 L204's, 2 Siamese Algae eaters as well as the two L134's, oh and a Hydor heater. The one of the L204's was DOA, but they did refund me.

They packaged the fish well and considering they'd traveled since the day before, the fish weren't really stressed. The L134's did take a week to start eating, but as I said before, that was just settling down. I bought a L260 from one of my LFS's and he was the same, taking a week to eat.


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