

Fish Gatherer
Feb 16, 2011
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Been looking for one of these beauties for a while. Went to pier today and they had some in. Been in for at least six weeks apparently so they should be acclimated and I saw them eating well. The one I got is around 3 inches with a nice belly. It is just settling in now but I have not stopped smiling.
Congratulations. can i ask how much you got him for?
Here are some pics I took with my phone pre release:




Just a small update now that it has settled in a little more:

aww thats adorable :) x does he/she have a name? (i name all my fish :L) xx
Oh what a beauty. I have one as well, she is not too big yet, only 12-13 cm tall. Her name is Polka-Dot. :D

Oh what a beauty. I have one as well, she is not too big yet, only 12-13 cm tall. Her name is Polka-Dot. :D


aww cute :) x i have a common and a gold spot plec xD my common is Plecky andmy gold spot is Mr Sucky :L x
Mine is called Dotty and my Gold Nugget is called Nessie :)

Iiriva - yours looks in good health. Mine is a little smaller at the moment (probably around 9-10cm). What do you feed yours?
She gets fresh cucumber or watermelon few times a week (she has a little piece of her own during night time at her corner, since she is a bit shy, and out gold spot pleco eats everything else :D) and other times she has Nutrafin Max-pellets, which include dried bloodworms, algae, garlic, antioxidants and vitamins A, C and E. Ordered it from zooplus.com, from Germany. Our loaches and plecos also get Sera vipachips every now and then, the food we varies a lot. Now we have those, soon we will have something else again. :D

We have many kinds of fish, so I have 11 different foods at the moment... :hyper:
Lol that is more different types of food than some people have fish !!

I have not tried watermelon, might have to give it a go :good:
ha ha loving the name x and yeah i have like loads of different foods for my babies too :L xx
Well I have 612-liters (158 gallons) in my bigger tank with different kinds of loaches, siamese algae eaters, tetras, cichlids, plecos and a striped raphael catfish, and a 45-liter one with baby mollies (they have grown big enough to move to a new owner on saturday, my tank is too small for adult ones so I'm selling them...) shrimps and apple snails, so I have maaany hungry mouths to feed! :D And I'd like to think that changing the food every now and then is good for the fish too, as long as it's good quality. :>

Can't wait for my lda-033 to grow in her full size though, she looks so small when compared to Mörkö, who is a 25 cm tall gold spot... :D

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