Last Second Fish For 125 Gallon Setup?

That would look gorgeous! 
Thankyou by the way do you have any fish solitary fish to suggest sorta like an oddbal kinda thing
I'm sorry I don't, maybe, since you were wanting a BGK, you could do a brown knife? I think someone else should say whether that would work or not. They're a bit sensitive from what I've heard.
Like a goby or smaller cichlid? Rams could be a centerpiece or pleco(not common pleco)
I'm not sure the panda corys would be happy at discus temperatures. I'd go for adolfoi (dark sand)  or sterbai (light sand).
As for the tetras, I've had both cardinals and rummynoses, and my discus have pretty much ignored them all. It's more likely that the angels will snack on small tetras, but with cardinals and rummynoses you should be fine.
I do suggest you go for a single species, and if you do the rummynoses will look spectacular.
I wouldn't stock angels and discus together, it is something that is not recommended.
Also 4 discus isn't a recommended number, they are shoaling fish. You either have a pair or, much better, a shoal of at least 6.
The rams are fairly social animals, not as much as bolivian rams, but still... In that tank I'd go for three pairs.
Lastly your tank seems well overstocked.
I'd go for something like this:
x 7 Snakeskin Discus
x 18 Sterbai Cories
x 18 Rummynose Tetras
x 1 Rio Negro Pleco
x 6 German Ram
x 1 Whip-Tail Cat
Yay Zante! ^_^ I was hoping someone would come along to talk about the stocking and numbers cause I really wasn't sure.
OP, that may not seem like much, but once everyone is all grown up and settled in, that sounds like an absolutely gorgeous tank.
i wouldnt have the pleco, they like the suck onto the sides of discus because of their muscus skin and smooth surface. I also wouldn't recommend the angelfish either, they dont always get along that well and may dominate the discus. I agree with the stocking that Zante said. 
Plecos would be ok. Rio negros are quite peaceful. And angels can make your tank hell for the discus
DerpPH said:
Plecos would be ok. Rio negros are quite peaceful. And angels can make your tank hell for the discus
yes its ok that they are peaceful but they doesnt mean they won't suck onto the sides of the discus. I had a go at having a pleco in with my discus and within half an hour he was heading for the discus.
I have had plecs in with discus 2 years back. They did fine
yea plecw arent like CAE IMO they wouldnt suck another fish unless they were starving.
Yep. Just like amanos. The less you feed them the more agressive the fish and that goes to plecos, amano shrimps, or any other herbivorous fish that is fed sparingly.... Well except for SAE which are total jerks
No to serpae. Fin nippers just like tiger barbs. 
Nannostomus eques.
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ncguppy830 said:
yea plecw arent like CAE IMO they wouldnt suck another fish unless they were starving.
That's not quite true.

You do get the occasional 'rogue' plec that develops a taste for the slime coat of other fish. It's not very common, but can happen.

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