South American "Eel"?

Spiney eels are great and are a fantastic addition to any soft water aquarium. I have kept spiney eels and have always enjoyed them
Spiney eels are great and are a fantastic addition to any soft water aquarium. I have kept spiney eels and have always enjoyed them
I've always wanted to try those. But I want to keep this tank South American.
We have spiny eels and they will only eat live blackworms or small earthworms. They refuse frozen, dried or other processed foods. So it isn't just a matter of what the client wants, but what is practical for a commercially located aquarium.
I suggest a pair, or a single Pelican Knifefish. They are quite awesome. Hard to find, though.
Wow, those look really cool! They sure don't give them away. Might be cheaper to just buy a plane ticket to Iquitos and catch a few myself. ha ha
Wow, those look really cool! They sure don't give them away. Might be cheaper to just buy a plane ticket to Iquitos and catch a few myself. ha ha
I considered getting a pair. My understanding is that they are rare in nature because they live in the deep water Amazon river. They have elongated snouts for fighting over females, and they are insectivores. they find insects using electrical current. However, they can be very shy, and dim lighting is best with very peaceful fish. They are gentle giants. They should be kept with lots of cover as well.
Spiney eels are great and are a fantastic addition to any soft water aquarium. I have kept spiney eels and have always enjoyed them
why do i want to add every single fish mentioned here to my tank but there are precious guppy fry...
why do i want to add every single fish mentioned here to my tank but there are precious guppy fry...
Put a huge amount of plant like Cabomba in your tank let it float on the surface, the guppy fry will hang out on the surface of the tank and the plant will protect them from the fish below.
Put a huge amount of plant like Cabomba in your tank let it float on the surface, the guppy fry will hang out on the surface of the tank and the plant will protect them from the fish below.
i have this really finicky plant that looks like hornwort but has a lot of roots, they all died off but i managed to save one specimen left idk what it is still!
i will try to find cabomba it looks really nice and organized
for the mean time i think WaterLettuce works very well but is messy
same for red root floaters
i have this really finicky plant that looks like hornwort but has a lot of roots, they all died off but i managed to save one specimen left idk what it is still!
i will try to find cabomba it looks really nice and organized
for the mean time i think WaterLettuce works very well but is messy
same for red root floaters
Myriophyllum species are often sold as tropical plants but don't do so well in warm water, it maybe that.
i see.. so cabomba is better?
I like Cabomba or Limnophila ( Ambulia ). Where one grows the other won't do as well, so what I would suggest is get some of each and be happy with the one that thrives. They can just float on the surface of the tank. What is good is the shape of these plants and they make a distinct barrier between the surface of the tank and below.
I like Cabomba or Limnophila ( Ambulia ). Where one grows the other won't do as well, so what I would suggest is get some of each and be happy with the one that thrives. They can just float on the surface of the tank. What is good is the shape of these plants and they make a distinct barrier between the surface of the tank and below.
yeah i will get both of them my lfs has a nice deal

3 big bunches ( i mean big like 5+ 6+ in stems) of stem plants for 10 usd
and ill ask them about it, i think cabomba looks nicer.... ill find out and see, since the slow grower will just stay there and grow super slowly like that one plant (ammania gracilis) it has not fully transitioned into SUbmersed yet so ill wait n see

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