Last Second Fish For 125 Gallon Setup?

fluttermoth said:
yea plecw arent like CAE IMO they wouldnt suck another fish unless they were starving.
That's not quite true.

You do get the occasional 'rogue' plec that develops a taste for the slime coat of other fish. It's not very common, but can happen.
true, just a common as IE the angel that murders everyone.
ncguppy830 said:

yea plecw arent like CAE IMO they wouldnt suck another fish unless they were starving.
That's not quite true.

You do get the occasional 'rogue' plec that develops a taste for the slime coat of other fish. It's not very common, but can happen.
true, just a common as IE the angel that murders everyone.

But hey if you feed it properly it wont
If a plec develops a taste for the slime coat of other fish, it won't make any difference how well fed it is, or was before; it will still do it.

It's an almost impossible habit to break them of, and usually the only thing you can do is move the plec into a tank with small, fast moving fish it can't physically attach itself to.
I think your stocking should be
  6 Snakeskin Discus
15 Sterbai cory
20 Rummy nose Tetras
15 Harlequin rasbora or black neon tetra (another type of tetra sized fish)
10 Ottos or Pygmy cory
  1 Rio Negro Pleco
  1 Whip-Tail Cat
This is what i think.
right but why would it taste the slime of a fish UNLESS it was starving?? regardless its something thats uncommon and if your really worried then keep an eye on em in the first days that you get em.
ncguppy830 said:
right but why would it taste the slime of a fish UNLESS it was starving?? regardless its something thats uncommon and if your really worried then keep an eye on em in the first days that you get em.
What happens is that the plec attaches itself to the slow moving, flat sided fish by accident, perhaps mistaking it for a leaf or whatever, and then develops a taste for the slime coat.
oh well thanks for explaing  i guess it could go like that but i dont know...
haleem8777 said:
I think your stocking should be
  6 Snakeskin Discus
15 Sterbai cory
20 Rummy nose Tetras
15 Harlequin rasbora or black neon tetra (another type of tetra sized fish)
10 Ottos or Pygmy cory
  1 Rio Negro Pleco
  1 Whip-Tail Cat
This is what i think.
Nah... It would feel really crowded with all those shoaling fish, also I don't agree with mixing fish from across the world (just my opinion), so I'd exclude the rasboras. Also I'm not sure how they'd fare at the higher temperature discus live in.

Another thing: the OP seems to be keen on rams, and personally I agree, they make excellent tankmates for discus.

The otos would be at the top of their temperature range in a discus tank, and would not be happy about it, I can tell you from personal experience.

Last observation: pigmy cories I'm afraid wouldn't appreciate the high temperatures, they would need much cooler waters and won't live long in higher temperatures.
6 Snakeskin discus
15 Sterbai
15 rummy nose tetras
10 ottos
1 Rio negro plec
 5 Whiptails(whiptails are quite social)

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