Last Second Fish For 125 Gallon Setup?


Mostly New Member
Aug 24, 2013
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I have a 125 gallon freshwater setup and i'm thinking about the stock.
x 4 Snakeskin Discus
x 8 Assorted Angelfish
x 18 Panda Cories
x 18 Rummynose Tetras
x 18 Cardinal Tetras
x 8 Ottos
x 1 Rio Negro Pleco
x 2 German Ram
x 1 Whip-Tail Cat
This is it if you have any other south american fish you like post. Please do.
Maybe List:
x 1 Black Ghost Knife
Only thing I would worry about is once those discus are adults they will snack on those cardinals, everything else looks good!
Move the BGK to the 'no' list
They can get up to 20 inches and I've heard of some get even bigger. In my opinion they should be kept in 200g+ tanks. Some of the fish on that list would be small enough to fit in its mouth and so most likely would end up snacks.
Here is a vid of one opening its mouth:
I'd imagine they could bite your hand if they wanted to, yeah. :p
Yeah, not many vids of them opening their mouths up so people think that they don't really eat small fish. Just depends on how lucky you are/temperament of the BGK I suppose.
ncguppy830 said:
hmm well im never getting one.
To each their own, that is my dream fish :)
Btw, Salty, when you do get all of this up and running, you need to post pics :D
I'm starting 125 gallon discus setup and I've heard rumors that discus will tear tetras to peaces. If this is the case, how can i prevent this.
My current stock will be
x 4 Snakeskin Discus
x 8 Assorted Angelfish
x 18 Panda Cories
x 18 Rummynose Tetras
x 18 Cardinal Tetras
x 8 Ottos
x 1 Rio Negro Pleco
x 2 German Ram
x 1 Whip-Tail Cat
And possibly x 18 Serpea Tetras.Please tell me what chances i have with the tetra's
They should be fine so long as they can't fit into the Discus' mouth. You may want to get the tetras full grown or just get them first and let them grow some. I believe the rummys would be fine but not sure on the cardinals. I've heard serpaes are quite nippy and not sure on those either. Sorry I can't be of much help :/
Hmm tough choices
Um Actually live aquaria says both are 2 in long..
Something to think about maybe would be just doing one really big group of tetras rather than a few groups?
True I also figured removing the cardinals and serpeas and doing x 36 rummys

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