Last One To Post Here Wins

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i just got done doing water changes and i found a dead ant in the water... 
Beats a dead fish on the floor. :D
yeah! haha! i just went and got 6 more tiger barbs today. now we have 10.
You don't have too, I did though and it helped with growth IMO.
I'm winning because I set up a thread like this one on a different forum and 10 minutes later it was 2 pages deep! o_O
i just fed my fry crunched up tropical flakes. 
It's in my ' troublesome tetra ' thread.

Anyway, I'm winning because
Andddddddd  I WIN! For now anyways xD 
@comocrayfish5 Did you use an app to make that collage of the pictures? If so what app is that? :) 
Blitz said:
Andddddddd  I WIN! For now anyways xD @comocrayfish5 Did you use an app to make that collage of the pictures? If so what app is that? :)
You lose.
I just made it on photobucket when it had the older editing tools and you could add picture to other pictures and you can't do that not with the new editing tools :(
You could do the same with Microsoft Paint, a bit of cutting and pasting, resizing and cropping and Fanny's your aunt :)
we brought are grandpa to are LFS. he really liked it and wants to get a tank but are grandma won't let him. haha!
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