the_lock_man is correct. We are extremely benevolent, but there are certain standards.
7. Posting on TFF is a privilege, not a right. Members who spam; troll or flame others; persistently cause trouble, irritation and upset; repeatedly break our general rules or otherwise affect the smooth running of the forum will not be tolerated and will be subject to posting previews, posting suspensions, pm suspensions, and/or having their posting privileges permanently removed. Repeat offenders may be reported to their ISP. Finally, please remember: This is a privately owned site. As such, its’ running is not a debate and discussion will not be entered into. The administrators and moderators have final say in all areas and decisions.
az9 said:we brought are grandpa to are LFS. he really liked it and wants to get a tank but are grandma won't let him. haha!
4 sentences. 1 capital letter. Says it all folks.comocrayfish5 said:this thread has become to literal with the punctuation. what is this? English class??i am no longer happy with the direction in which this thread is going....