Last One To Post Here Wins

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the_lock_man is correct.   We are extremely benevolent, but there are certain standards. 
Where did you get the idea it wasn't?

7. Posting on TFF is a privilege, not a right. Members who spam; troll or flame others; persistently cause trouble, irritation and upset; repeatedly break our general rules or otherwise affect the smooth running of the forum will not be tolerated and will be subject to posting previews, posting suspensions, pm suspensions, and/or having their posting privileges permanently removed. Repeat offenders may be reported to their ISP. Finally, please remember: This is a privately owned site. As such, its’ running is not a debate and discussion will not be entered into. The administrators and moderators have final say in all areas and decisions.
Did you read the rules?
Rules?  Excuse me I'm rebelling here!
Didn't you notice my strategic use of 'teh' instead of 'the'?
I thought it was a typo.  
Daize, you've earned a one post suspension with your anarchist attitude. 
I even deliberately omitted the apostrophe from It's! Some grammar police you are :p

Oops I'm not supposed to be posting
No, you're fine, as there was a post in between your suspension and your next post.
We try to give the benefit of the doubt.
But, then there's this:
az9 said:
we brought are grandpa to are LFS. he really liked it and wants to get a tank but are grandma won't let him. haha!
That sort of post just can't be ignored or written off as a 'typo' - or a "fingers faster than my brain" or vice versa.
We are 'benevolent dictators' after all, but that made my eyes bleed!
this thread has become to literal with the punctuation. what is this? English class?? 
 i am no longer happy with the direction in which this thread is going....
No.  It's a joke.  Folks around here need to lighten up, methinks.  
The actions taken by you and he in the "Rebellion" threads have drawn the attention of the other mods, though.

Ironically, had you kept all that stuff in this thread his 'suspension' would have been over already, or near so.
comocrayfish5 said:
this thread has become to literal with the punctuation. what is this? English class?? :no: i am no longer happy with the direction in which this thread is going....:<
4 sentences. 1 capital letter. Says it all folks.
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