the_lock_man said:
Darn right we do. Stop trying to muscle in.

Dibs? How can you claim dibs when I first started winning this in April 2012?
winning again!
the_lock_man said:
DrRob said:This from someone who starts a sentence with "because"?
You're also not winning. Not now anyway.
i had 2 bleeding heart tetras in my 30 a while ago and they were really shy because i didn't have enough of them. they were so shy they stopped eating and died. i got about 6 soon after that and they were perfectly fine then! they were one of my favorite fish i have ever kept!comocrayfish5 said:how is this fro 10gal stocking?........
3 neon tetras
2-3 bleeding heart tetras
2-3 buenos aries tetras
1 algae eater (no plecos!)
can i add more tetras is that amount good?![]()
Let's examine that claim shall we?the_lock_man said:This from someone who starts a sentence with "because"?
You're also not winning. Not now anyway.
Perfectly acceptable to start a sentence with "because".
For example
"Because Dr Rob had a headache, he didn't fancy going to work that day"
There is no independent clause which means it is a failed attempt at a complex sentence.the_lock_man said:Because we've been defending the English language in all its glory from the misuse of commas and apostrophes.