Last One To Post Here Wins

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the_lock_man said:

One of these days, I may be forced to win this.
TLM and I have dibs. 

Darn right we do. Stop trying to muscle in.


Dibs? How can you claim dibs when I first started winning this in April 2012?
winning again!
Because we've been defending the English language in all its glory from the misuse of commas and apostrophes. And you come swanning in like you own the thread. Pffft. I shake my head at you. ;)
That's why we've got dibs.
And I'm winning, thank you very much.
This from someone who starts a sentence with "because"?
You're also not winning. Not now anyway.
DrRob said:
This from someone who starts a sentence with "because"?
You're also not winning. Not now anyway.
Perfectly acceptable to start a sentence with "because".
For example:-
"Because Dr Rob had a headache, he didn't fancy going to work that day"
ember tetras would work nicely in a 10.
Corys should be kept in groups, and the only suitable ones for a 10 are the dwarf varieties.
yesterday when I went to get more fish I went to meijer to get a heater and I looked at their fish and it looked like they have never changed the water and there was at least one but most the time two dead fish in each tank.
i just got a filter cartridge for my fish tank and i put it in without reading the instructions and it sisled and so i read the instructions nad it said to rinse thi carbon dust of before i put it in. would the carbon dust  kill the fish? 
I doubt it, it's just a going to make the water black.
My yellow tang was out enough for pictures!

comocrayfish5 said:
how is this fro 10gal stocking?........
 3 neon tetras
2-3 bleeding heart tetras
2-3 buenos aries tetras
1 algae eater (no plecos!)
can i add more tetras is that amount good?

i had 2 bleeding heart tetras in my 30 a while ago and they were really shy because i didn't have enough of them. they were so shy they stopped eating and died. i got about 6 soon after that and they were perfectly fine then! they were one of my favorite fish i have ever kept! 
oh come on! i just found out my kuhli loaches are nocturnal!
i've got an idea! i could put the kribs in the  10 and move the other fish in the 30! it would be pretty full but i think it would work!
the_lock_man said:
This from someone who starts a sentence with "because"?
You're also not winning. Not now anyway.
Perfectly acceptable to start a sentence with "because".
For example:-
"Because Dr Rob had a headache, he didn't fancy going to work that day"
Let's examine that claim shall we?
Indeed, lockman, you can put a because at the start of a sentence IF there is an independent clause after it.

' Because Dr Rob had a headache, '
This is your dependent clause, it can not make sense on its own. It needs an independent clause to make sense.
' he didn't face going to work that day. '
This is a independent clause. It does make sense in its own and it could be a full sentence. As there is one independent clause we call this a ' simple sentence '. With an independent and a dependent clause we have a ' complex sentence '.

In the sentence:
the_lock_man said:
Because we've been defending the English language in all its glory from the misuse of commas and apostrophes.
There is no independent clause which means it is a failed attempt at a complex sentence.
I win because I visited a new LFS today and saw African Dwarf Frogs for the first time!
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