Last One To Post Here Wins

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One of these days, I may be forced to win this.
Got a yellow tang today! Will get pics once he's in the tank. Acclimating ATM.
As long as folks behave, there's no issue...
Behavior is always good in lovely country juss sayin ;)
That's because no one is trying to win - there is competitive juices flowing over here.
But the grammar and spelling there makes me
how is this fro 10gal stocking?........
 3 neon tetras
2-3 bleeding heart tetras
2-3 buenos aries tetras
1 algae eater (no plecos!)
can i add more tetras is that amount good?

everyone think the 10 gal looks ok? it's in the signature.  
Unfortunately, no to you como, and no to you az9.
A ram needs at least a 20 long, but a 30 gallon would be preferable.  The corydoras are also too big to be in a 10 gallon tank - those particular corys (either peppered or bronze - the most common two species that are available as albino) require a bigger tank than a 10, again at the very least a 20 long, but a 30 would be best.
Bleeding hearts are large tetras (3 inches plus), and should be kept in large numbers, minimum 6.  If you are planning on an oto as the algae eater, those need groups of at least 6 as well.  Be careful with the other algae eaters also.  You need 6+ of each species you suggest in the 10.
Have a look through these threads for more suitable species:
i was planning on getting dwarf gouramis but the LFS didn't have any and they told me that rams and albino corys would be fine! i'm never listening to them again!!!
In other words, they sold you something else so that they could make a sale...  nothing surprising there.  :no:  Sorry about that.
do you yhink it would be over stocked if i put it in the 30 gal
The 30 is a bit of a 'tough guy' tank. 
There are some issues with doing that.
1 - I don't think its a good idea to mix the kribs with the ram.  Cichlids are not very accepting of similar fish.  And kribs being African are going to be far tougher than the ram, especially if they are a mating pair.
2 - it would be a tight fit to put anymore fish in there.
3 - tiger barbs and cories aren't a very good option.  I've read bad reports of people keeping them together.
Personally, I just don't think that putting them together is a good plan.
eaglesaquarium said:
One of these days, I may be forced to win this.
TLM and I have dibs. 

Darn right we do. Stop trying to muscle in. :grr:
comocrayfish5 said:
i usually put them in the freezer but i guess thats not the right way to do it. how do i kill it? i dont have clove oil, i dont like the rock and bag smashing idea and i dont think dropping it in ice water ever went right for me
Then get some clove oil. The freezer is too slow, it freezes the water in their bodies slowly and painfully. I can't say I really fancy the rock and bag idea either. However, I have used clove oil and it seems to my uneducated eye to be a peaceful but reasonably quick method.
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