Last One To Post Here Wins

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i think i might know what to do about the fish!
Sell your brother for a larger tank? :no:
That's not really a solution, is it?
yes! that's exactly my idea! jk! exchange my tiger barbs for lemon or flame tetras then put the kribs in the 10 and the ram corys and loaches in the 30 withe the other fish!
no i am winning because i am having fish complications at the moment but i think they will soon be over. :)
Man of fish said:
I'm winning because everything is going swell!
I'm winning because I paid 20$ for 2 pancakes around 5cm in diameter last night! :eek:
I don't think that means you're winning. :no:
You're winning because you belched? Oh dear.
the_lock_man said:
You're winning because you belched? Oh dear.
You should of heard it! I'm surprised you didnt. Almost everyone else on earth did! :D
It even made my dogs start barking. :eek:
"Should have" dear boy, not "should of". Glad I didn't, tbh.
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