Last One To Post Here Wins

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WOW, you people must really REALLY like the hobby. Only if I could back to the hobby and restart again. *sigh*

What kind of 3 saltwater fish, CC?

When I move out, the 1st tank I'm getting is a long 20 gallon~

-8 cherry barbs
-4 platies
- 2 amano shrimp

My friend just offered me if I wanted a betta. And I was like... YEAH! YEAH! NO... my mom would kill me if I got another pet. :sad: Sadly..
What kind of saltwater fish?

Lets see, ones that stay 3" and under. For example, my stocking for both mine.

10 gallon reef
1 Ocellaris Clownfish (2")
1 Cherub Angelfish (2.5")
1 Orange Spotted Goby (3")

10 gallon invert only
2 Mocha Ocellaris (Pair)
1 Blackfin Fairy Wrasse (3")
I had a dream I went to my LFS and it was suddenly huge and I was getting a saltwater tank but I didn't know how to build a refugium so I walked around the store looking at all the saltwater fish, and other animals (they had huskies for sale?!)
Build a fuge!? I bought mine as a filter and modded it.

I meant like the tank kind, like if you had a 75 gallon reef tank you need like a 55 gallon refugium....or is it a sump? I don't know, I don't know salty. And in my dream I had no idea how to drill a hole in the glass for the pipes and such. It was a weird dream.....
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