Labyrinth Fish In A Fluval Edge?

However just realised I have a bit of a snail issue, looks like there are literally hundreds of the tiny buggers and a few bigger ones... any easy way of getting rid instead of hand picking/siphoning them out?

Yes, the best way to get rid of pest snails is the Assassin Snail,

I was inundated with both pond snails and small ramshorn snails, I introduced 6 Assassins (into a 65l tank), and after a few weeks, the pest snail problem had disappeared. These 6 have now bred as well, so I have over a dozen babies growing up (but they don't breed as quickly as the pest snail species). Once the pest snails are gone, the Assassins will eat various detritus from the bottom of the tank, including fish food.

Better by miles than adding a Snail Killer chemical to your tank, they're quite attractive to look at as well, cream and brown stripes around the shell.

I would have thought that for a small tank like yours, a couple of Assassins would be fine, I believe they have a neglible bioload, so they would not adversly affect the amount of fish you could keep (unless anyone else knows different).

Link to profile of the Assassin Snail

Nice one cheers, will probably get a couple of those. I don't usually like the idea of buying livestock online, but as I haven't seen those snails in any of my LFS's, could anyone recommend a site that could provide these? In the UK. Or is buying online a big no no... I really have no idea!
Nice one cheers, will probably get a couple of those. I don't usually like the idea of buying livestock online, but as I haven't seen those snails in any of my LFS's, could anyone recommend a site that could provide these? In the UK. Or is buying online a big no no... I really have no idea!

That's probably because you've not been looking for them.

I had to do a bit of phoning around to locate mine, and found some at a reasonably local Maidenhead Aquatics - about 10miles away from me. A quick trip down the A27 and back, job done. I've since been into one of the shops that didn't have any when I phoned, and they'd had some in.

Not knowing where you are in the UK, I can't recommend anywhere, but they are out there if you look.

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