

Fish Fanatic
Nov 16, 2005
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cleveland, ohio
first off can i feed a black ghost knifefish flakes or must it be feed with meat. also do you think i could put one in a 55 gallon tank with cichlids and some anglefish?
first you should know that black ghost is very very shy and require place to hide as like loaches and pleco. Also they can grow to size of 20"(45-50cm)if given the right condition with out any problem. So you need a way bigger tank with hiding place to make ur ghost happy. Ghost is really a peiceful fish but its kind of agreesive toward its own kind but can be solve with more hiding places and bigger space its fravoit food is really meaty product bloodwarm/brineshrimp. Its can be keep with peaceful south american cichlid(discus/angel/even severum)/ I dont know much about tetras as they might consider they were food once they grow up but on small size it should be fine with tetras. water should be acid with ph < 7 with small gravel/sand bottom the best. Also need very clean tank with no ammonia/nitrite and low nitrate to be happy. Its well known to be sensetive to condition change so avoid having to much water stats difference between the water change like ph :).

Good luck
If you have African cichlids no way can your knifefish be put in the tank, If the require acidic water its not a good idea as the cichlids require a slightly basic water. The 55 gallon will not be enough and at 20 inchs you will need something around 150 minimum.
A BGK would do best to be fed a varied diet of bloodworm, brine shrimp, blackworms, chopped earthworms, mussels, prawns, the occasional mealworm; and occasional veggies such as zuchinni, squash, potato etc. Many of these foods can be found frozen and live. BGK may also tend to scavenge and clean up leftover flake and pellets at feeding time!

I am not sure about keeping it with chiclids/angels, you certainly don't want to house this charming fish with others that can be aggressive, they are sensitive to meds and poor water quality as well.

BGK will also exceed 18 inches in length, somewhere down the line it would be in the best interest of the fish to obtain a 75 gallon tank or larger.
They are not very fussy about tank size, i have seen small ones live in a ten with cories and tetras. They should be provided with a 55, or higher, at full size.

They behave alot like elephant noses, and prefer scavenging unthawed worms in sand or gravel to flakes.

They are a great fish, but must be treated accordingly.

ok now do i have to put this fish in with other fish that eat the same food or can i outit in with flake eating fish? cani just put in the flakes for the flake eating ones and the worms for the BGK?

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