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to TFF btw! I hope you enjoy it here, though sorry an issue like this is what brought you here :C Hopefully it can be solved quickly.
Also if you can post THIS information, that would help.
I have a 60 gal tank and I do a 20-30% water change weekly. Temp stays at 79.8 degrees... I have a large blood red parrot fish... a couple rope fish... and a handful of small tetras.
Maybe some kind of parasite. Observe if it multiplies or changes in size. Never encountered something like that before with my kissing gouramis before so it's pretty hard to tell
Dunno why, but those spots remind me of the ones on my guppies tail. probably no connection, but keep up with the water changes and if it gets worse, try some water conditioner.
I dont think water conditioner would help anything, because you should already be adding that if you dont have well water, but ive never seen those before looks like a harmless birth defect to me though haha