Katew's Fishless Cycle Log

Hurray! A zero for ammonia at last! :hyper:

Have redosed to 4 ppm - hopefully it will reduce nice and quick now.
Another 24 hour zero for ammonia - and a sneaky 12 hour test this morning looked to be about 0.5 to me :rolleyes:

Shall keep a close eye on the nitrite, hopefully it will come down to a colour actually on the chart sometime soon.
might be temtpted to do a 50% water change Kate if its that high, cant hurt
Would a bit of a top up do, do you think? Testing hour is 7 pm, if the ammonia is 0 on the next test then I might redose and then top it up a bit - the level has dropped a few inches since the initial fill. Probably room for ten litres or so in there.
I would water change as well: a top-up with only dilute the nitrite, a water change (inc. top-up) will remove some.
OK, comments noted. Tomorrow is water change day for the small tank day anyway, so I will do both together. I just topped up the ammonia before reading KittyKat's comment, so may as well leave it in there to be eaten up.

Three 24 hour zeros in a row - don't want to jinx anything but it seems to be going in the right direction.
So I did a 50% water change this morning. Before the change (15 hours after dosing) ammonia was 0.5 and nitrite was 5ppm +. I tested again after the change and both read 0, so I added 1ml ammonia to replace the 0.5.

At 24 hour testing this evening, ammonia was 0 and nitrite back up to 5 or more - instantly purple in the bottom of the test tube.

Ammonia has just been redosed to 4 ppm so I guess we'll see how it is looking tomorrow.

On the plus side, I didn't think there was any algae growing, but when I siphoned out the water, there were definitely a few bits in the bucket, so it must be good to get those out at an early stage I suppose.
You may want to do some more water changing in the near future, very high nitrites can cause proboblems, from what I have seen :good:
Thanks KK, I didn't realise very high nitrite would cause problems. It is instantly purple in the bottom of the tube again today and after 5 minutes is a dark pinky-purple colour- not really like any of the colours on the chart.

I did a pH test as well this evening, and it is 6.6 - this is the lowest reading so far on this tank, and lower than I have ever seen in my small established tank. When I last tested pH two days ago, it was about 7.4. Is this a significant drop in a short time? Do I need to worry and/or consider buffering up to something a little higher?

Any help appreciated, as always!

Edit - Actually, I have just been reading Stuart's log, and then re-read the fishless cycling article in the beginner's resource centre again and I'm a bit confused - how much ammonia should I be redosing now? I have had zero ammonia at 24 hours for five days running now, and 12 tests show only 0.5 left. Should I drop the dosing to 2 or 3 ppm to keep the nitrite level down?
Nitrite + nitrate -> nitric acid, which has a tendancy of crashing the pH.. sounds like water change time ;)

I generally recommend water changes over lowering dose, although in some cases, I do recommend lower dosing, depending on situation. Another option could be to do 2-3ppm dosing every 12 hours.. it very much depends on how much you want to experiment.
I did a high PH test on my main tank last night, it went off the scale with 8.6+

I did it again and it sat on 7.2. No idea what or why the first test went mental, i think i let a little wee into my pants when that happened.
So I did a quick 12 hour test this morning, and nitrite was 5+ and ammonia 0.5. I did a 30 % water change this morning before work after a bit of a panic. After the change the nitrite was down to 0 - and pH back up to a more normal 7.6.

24 hour tests show: 0 ammonia, 5+ nitrite! and pH 7.6 ish...

Sorry to hear about the wee incident Tizer :shout:
pH down a little again today, and nitrite still high again, for the 8th day in a row...

If it is still high tomorrow I will water change again.

Having to leave the other half in charge for two days over the weekend... it'll be fine, I'm sure...
So I went away for two days, and came back to be told that the ammonia hadn't processed and that the pH had crashed to 6.0 :unsure:

On testing at the usual 24 hour mark yesterday, the ammonia was 0, the nitrite still high (instant purple) and pH was 7.6 or more! So I redosed ammonia to 2 ppm.

Today at 24 hour test, ammonia was still 1ppm - it seems to have gone from munching through a full 4 ppm in 24 hours to only 1 ppm. The nitrite is still difficult to put a number on - the colour isn't like any of them on the chart.

A couple of questions if I may:

1) Has the apparent pH crash slowed down the ammonia processing? Is this just temporary?

2) If nitrate + nitrite = nitric acid and therefore pH crash, is it possible that some nitrite has processed, and therefore the pH has risen again?

3) What can I do to get it back on track? Is it just a case of waiting till the bacteria rebuilds?

4) Is there nothing I can do to speed up the N-bac development?

Please help ;)

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