Sorry for being so quiet, the tank cycled very fast, since I last posted, stats have stayed stable at:
PH 8.3
Salinity 1.025
temp 26
ammonia nil
nitrite nil
nitrate 5
Next on the shopping list is test for phosphate.
I'm running a filter at the moment as I dont have a sump, it has filter floss which I rinse after 3 days & gets replaced every week on water change day, I also have a bag of activated carbon in there & a bag of phosphate remover.
I have started to add some life over the last week, first in were the beginnings of my cleanup crew, 4 snails & 4 hermits, I will need I think at least another 6 snails. I probably wont add any more hermits as I have some lovely & very busy hitch hiker crabs, including a funny little porcelain. I will be on the lookout for a conch though, that will be my CUC done I think.
A few small coral frags which I have had donated or brought, 3 little zoa's a tiny toadstool who has doubled in size since I got him
some little green star polyps which again are growing at amazing speed, oh & my mystery donation who appears to be a little maze coral
I also have fish! They are called Grace & Sam
One is yellow & the other is green
will keep you guessing until I take pictures later.
Pictures will follow later today or maybe tomorrow, its water change & clean up day, so pics when all nicely de-algae-ed lol
Have been having a think about final stocking, we would love a pair of clowns in a few weeks, a flasher wrasse if we can find one local later & eventually a mandarin, maybe even a pair of mandarin if the tank is big enough (lots more research to do here) I am starting to culture copepods & rotifers this weekend as I would like to have a constant supply if I get a mandy, so I dont need to worry about them going hungry.
Will be keeping mainly soft corals & a few LPS. Zoas are a favorite, as are acans & ricordia, also really like the star polyps I have. Am keeping a little, shady spot for a sun coral one day when I feel confident enough to look after it.
SO thats all for now, I will get piccies as soon as I can