Kari's First Marine Tank Journal


Fish Herder
Apr 12, 2009
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Before I start my journal, a few notes, if you enjoy technical stats, I will disappoint you, the hardware side of fish keeping escapes me completely, so I get nice people to help me :good:

I was very disappointed yesterday as I found a perfect little 90ltr nano tank on ebay, set up with everything, live rock, fish, inverts, even the RO water & containers etc, all for £99, I emailed the seller & when I got back, had a nice reply, went to buy it & it had gone :( I bet someone on here got it................... I got very annoyed with myself.

I spent the rest of the day with a notebook, pricing up different tanks & comparing a plug & play nano with upgrading a standard tank & suddenly everything fell into place.

My 120 litre betta tank was emptied yesterday & I had been browing the LFS for ideas to stock it, nothing really caught my attention, I have been totally converted to the salty side & nothing else would do. We went to Maidenheads at Peterborough & I normally spend ages watching the different cory's & rasbora, the only thing I was vaguely tempted by was a gorgeous bichir.

I kept gazing at the corals, the sweet clown in an anenome & the beautiful nano set up they have there, I could have stayed for hours I think, the staff there were brilliant, instead of talking me into buying their nano set up, which I was all set to do, they have advised me how to upgrade my 120ltr. I came away with a list of all the things I needed to get & spent last night sourcing it all & adding up the costs.

My tank will start off with the minimum equipment, but I will be adding to it & upgrading as I go along, it will be a steep learning curve I am sure & if you see something I am doing wrong, please tell me.

It will be a slow moving project, I hope to have everything here & set up & the liverock in within 2wks, but then things will go very slowly, lots of research & adding corals & livestock a little at a time & only when I know exactly what their needs are, I want this to be a project which last for years.

So, wish me luck!

p.s i'm prone to ramble...................
So you went peterborough then?
Im glad you got good advise.
I must of just went in on the wrong day or somthing.
I carnt wait for this journal to develop!

Ok, lets get started then :good:

Can you just run by us what your lfs told you

Seffie x


oh and welcome to my world of all techie things going straight over my head :lol:
Hey kari.
Im starting a journal tonight also.
I just went and bought "The Nano-Reef Handbook".
Only cost me £18.
So im going to read through it.
I have some pics of corals and fish I saw at the LFS.
so I will upload them tonight and then banggg.
We're off.

wow! starting already :p slow and steady wins the race :D

IF you are on about the same nano as me (river reef 95) its absolutely amazing! gotta say they have awesome fish!

good luck Karigupi!
Ok, lets get started then :good:

Can you just run by us what your lfs told you

Seffie x


oh and welcome to my world of all techie things going straight over my head :lol:

I'd be here forever lol, it was really nice, he had set up his own tank & we were debating the good & bad side of revamping an existing tank or buying a plug & play nano, lighting, salt, live rock, RO units everything, just a really nice chat with me scribbling lots of notes which I now cannot decipher?

Hey kari.
Im starting a journal tonight also.
I just went and bought "The Nano-Reef Handbook".
Only cost me £18.
So im going to read through it.
I have some pics of corals and fish I saw at the LFS.
so I will upload them tonight and then banggg.
We're off.

That book is on my list, picking it up on Thursday, along with a Coral book as a pressie from my kids, is it good.

wow! starting already :p slow and steady wins the race :D

IF you are on about the same nano as me (river reef 95) its absolutely amazing! gotta say they have awesome fish!

good luck Karigupi!
Thats the one, isnt it beautiful, I could have quite happily pulled up a comfy chair & sat there for the rest of the day, so much to see in there.

I'm thinking of popping into the new shop in Coventry, its meant to have an awesome marine department, anyone been yet?

I have been madly busy moving fish & tanks this morning & will start day one of my journal a little later when i'm all done.
I suppose what I should have said is - tell us your plans and then we can either agree or disagree with your lfs - sometimes and I am saying sometimes, they sound like they know what they are talking about but actually don't :crazy:

Seffie x

I suppose what I should have said is - tell us your plans and then we can either agree or disagree with your lfs - sometimes and I am saying sometimes, they sound like they know what they are talking about but actually don't :crazy:

Seffie x


I know what you mean, I was so badly advised when I first came to fish keeping. We didnt really talk about specific plans, more about plug and play vs exisitng tank revamp & he swayed me to the revamp.

here goes then................................................

Journal Day One

My hubby thinks I have finally lost it, he went to Germany for a week, left Sunday night, by the time he was back Friday night, I had to break the news, i'm changing over to Marine.

Oh, ok he says, just add salt right? I lets out an evil cackle, if only it were that easy........................
24hrs later & after being dragged around two marine shops I think he wished he had stayed in Germany, moral to this story? He shouldnt leave me alone with three mental kids for so long next time.

Today has been mad & I am now sore & icky, my betta's are rehomed & the community tank is now in my sons room & the DPs are in my daughters room, so tanks which are just mine are the snakeheads & my marine in progress.

The tank has been emptied & scrubbed & all shrimp caught, that was a nightmare!

I know you are going to want stats & I hate the technical side, but will do my best.

Tank size: 3ft, 120ltrs
Heater: Big Rena smart heater (dont ask me the wattage please) its good for upto 300ltrs
Lights ordered & on there way, cant remember the wattage, a friend has sorted them for me as I was about to have a breakdown about them, I know they are T5s & the total wattage is good for the 3-4w per gallon rule I was told yesterday.
2x something powerheads (sorry I did warn you) they are good for the 20xtank volume rule, plus a smaller powerhead for mixing the salt water.
Also have a small heater for heating the salt water too.

Salt & coral sand I am picking up on Thursday.

Still to order my test kits, reef putty, & my live rock, I need 13k right? I'm on the look out for bargains as my LFS has it at £12.50 per kilo, which smarts abit.

I am considering an RO unit, it looks as though I have talked my friend into going Marine too :good: so depending on the size tank she chooses, it might be an idea for us to split the cost of one & share it.

If not, I have 2x25ltr containers (thanks dad) & will buy my RO water locally, again my LFS is abit expensive at 25p per litre.

I have three books on my list so far, which I am shopping for on my birthday, a nano guide, a marine for beginners & a coral book, cant find my scribbled notes, but will give details once I have them.

What are my plans for my marine tank? I'm hoping to really take my time with it & enjoy every addition, the next couple of weeks will be a bit manic getting everything together, but once my LR is in, all will be calm for a while.

My first additions, will be a shrimp & a few snails, then I will look at the corals, but until I have my book, I dont really know where I will start with those. Fish I will be adding a long way down the line, at the moment the list is a pair of clowns, dot dash blenny, a goby (not sure which yet) & eventually a mandarin.

Phew, thats it I think, I will take a picture of the tank in the morning.
Sounds great. Can we have pictures of the future salt filled tank :D

This may proove to be very useful for you: (edit) the first thing the article says is acclimation of corals and other things just ignore that part and scroll down. It tells a basic list of things to keep on hand. :good:


by the way I had a friend back in High School that was named Kari. We kinda went our separate ways after graduationg and going to college in separate towns (I think the UK calls college University, though).
Good luck Kari! Welcome to the Dark Side :lol:

My mantra for today that I would like you to repeat is...

"Slowly, slowly, happy tanky" If it helps you can sing it to yourself - or out loud just to annoy others :lol:
I'm thinking of popping into the new shop in Coventry, its meant to have an awesome marine department, anyone been yet?

Def a Marine LFS to Visit, they have a Very Good Selection + 98% of the shop is for Marine.

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