Fish Fanatic
- Joined
- Sep 29, 2009
- Messages
- 174
- Reaction score
- 0
Day 1 (base - tap water with conditioner)
pH = 8.0
Ammonia = 0.5
Nitrate = 0.0
Nitrite = 0.0
Notes = Added 4ml of 10% ammonia - used the calculator but put too much i think. 20 mins later (enough time?) tested again and it looked like it was somewhere between 5-8, but definitely over 5 =/ hopefully not past 8
I'm a bit surprised by the ammonia reading. I'm guessing it's either in the tap (although I never saw that with my previous tests with strips) or the tank somehow had some left over from running with used filter for days (but i cleaned it completely out 2 days ago with tap water, let it sit overnight, then filled it last night with tap)
also, i'm wondering about the api test kit i'm now using (we beginners usually have questions about it when we start using it). i've got no problems with the tests themselves including reading the results, but i'm wondering if its okay to clean the tube after testing and not dry it all the way? is it okay to have a few drops of tap in it for the next test?
one last thing, does this mean i dont add ammonia until i see zero? or do i try to get it to 5?
Day 2
Ammonia = 7.0 (i think - could be higher but to me it doesnt look worse than the darkest green. hard for me to tell)
pH,Nitrate,Nitrite = Is it really necessary to even test these at this point?
Not sure if I should just wait for the ammonia to go down, or do a small water change to try to get it closer to 5
Day 3
Ammonia = 7.0
Nitrite = 0.0
Notes: Considering using media from my betta tank. Yesterday I got my heater going and I'm not positive of the temperature, but my scale goes to 82F and it's not reading it. It's probably a few degrees higher - the water definitely feels warm.
Also, it looks like some people didn't start seeing results for almost too weeks, so I'm going to try to not worry too much and be patient
Day 4
Notes = As advised, did a water change (40%) to get ammonia down because it seemed it was too high. Test didn't change much after that so did another 50% water change. Now the level is definitely too low *sigh*. I'm having trouble getting the level just right. For some reason this is the hardest test for me to read, not to mention judge how much to adjust with. Going to go slowly add some more in this time, and hopefully get a good test result
Ammonia = 4-6
Nitrite = 0
Day 5
Ammonia = 4-6
Nitrite = 0
Notes: Still no signs of bacteria buildup. Hopefully I don't have chlorine in the water, but I feel like if anything, I used too much conditioner.
Day 6
Ammonia = 4-6
Day 7
Ammonia = 4-6
Nitrite = 0
Day 8
Ammonia = 2-6
Nitrite = 0
pH = 8
Notes: Not absolutely sure that it's lower, but it seems that way
Day 9
Ammonia = 4
Notes: I think it's been at 4 all along. Nothing different still... and btw the reason I've been testing nitrite sometimes without an ammonia drop is because I wanted to make sure I wasn't just reading the ammonia incorrectly
Day 10
Ammonia = 1.75!
Nitrite = 0.15!
Day 11
Ammonia = 1.0
Nitrite = 0.25
Day 12
Ammonia = 0.75
Nitrite = 0.5
pH = 8.0
Day 13
Ammonia = 0.75
Nitrite = 0.75
Day 14
Ammonia = 0.75
Nitrite = 1.0
Day 15
Ammonia = 0.6
Day 16
Ammonia = 0.25
Day 17
Ammonia = 0.0
Nitrite = 1.0
Notes: added 3ml 10% ammonia
Day 18
Ammonia = 3.0
Nitrite = 3.0
Day 19
Ammonia = 0.0
Nitrite = 4.0
Notes: added 3ml
Day 20
Ammonia = 0.0
Nitrite = 4.0
Nitrate = 5.0
Notes: added 4ml (~4ppm)
Day 21 Three week mark
Ammonia = 0.0
Nitrite = 5+
pH = 7.8
Notes: added 4ml
Day 22
Ammonia = 0.0
Nitrite = 5+
Nitrate = 7.5
Notes: added 5ml (~5ppm)
Day 23
Ammonia = 0.0
Nitrite = 5+
ph = 7.4
Notes: added 5ml
Day 24
Ammonia = 0.0
Nitrite = 5+
Day 25
Nitrite = 5+
Day 26
Nitrite = 5+
Notes: missed ammonia dosing the last couple nights. today i added 2ppm in the morning and again at night
Day 27
Ammonia = 0.0
Nitrite = 5+
pH = 7.4
Notes: added 2ppm
Day 28
Ammonia = 0.0
Nitrite = 5+
Notes: added 2ppm the following morning
Day 29
Nitrite = 5+
Notes: ah the smell of ammonia in the morning added 2ppm the following morning again
Day 30
Nitrite = 5+
Notes: forgot to dose ammonia tonight AND the next morning i think since i'm only testing a single drop (for nitrite) i keep moving on and forgetting about it. hopefully i'm not ruining the cycle too much
Day 31
Nitrite = 5+
pH = 7.2
Notes: added 3ppm
Day 32
Ammonia = 0.2
Nitrite = 5+
pH = 7.2
Notes: Past 1 month now. I'm worried I've messed up with the ammonia too much. My tank failed to clear a low 3ppm in 24 hours. I'm guessing it's probably okay for now though, considering the nitrite is still off the charts and there's plenty of time to get the ammonia processing to a satisfying level
Day 33
Ammonia = 0.0
Nitrite = 5+ Notes: Added 2ppm
Day 34 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: forgot to add ammonia
Day 35 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: added 2ppm
Day 36 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: added 2ppm
Day 37
Nitrite = 5+ pH = 6.8 i see u pH Notes: added 2ppm
Day 38 Nitrite = 5+
Day 39 Nitrite = 5+ pH = 6.6 Notes: Did a 75% water change + added 3ppm
Day 40 Ammonia = 0.0 Nitrite = 5+ pH = 7.8 Notes: nitrite still off the charts after water change. pH is good again though. resuming like normal. added 2ppm
Day 41 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: added 2ppm
Day 42 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: added 2ppm
Day 43 Nitrite = 5+
Day 44 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: added 2ppm
Day 45 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: added 2ppm
Day 46 Nitrite = 5+ pH = 7.8 Notes: added 2ppm
Day 47 Nitrite = 5+ pH = 7.6 Notes: added 2ppm
Day 48 Nitrite = 5+ pH = 7.4
Day 49 Nitrite = 5+ pH = 7.4 Notes: added 2ppm
Day 50 Nitrite = 5+ ph = 7.4
Day 51 Nitrite = 5+ ph = 7.4 Notes: added 2ppm
Day 52 Nitrite = 5+
Day 53 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: added 2ppm
Day 54 Nitrite = 5+ pH = 7.3
Day 55 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: added 2ppm
Day 56 Nitrite = 5+
Day 57 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: added 2ppm
Day 58 Nitrite = 5+
Day 59
Nitrite = 5+
Nitrate = 15
pH = 7.3
Notes: Did a 90% water change
Day 60
Nitrite = 5+
pH = 7.8
Notes: Oh joy, even a 90% water change failed to make a difference. Added 3ppm
Day 61 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: Added 2ppm
Day 62 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: Added 2ppm
Day 63 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: Added 2ppm
Day 64
Nitrite = 5
Notes: It could be higher, but the hue is VERY close to matching the 5 on the chart. Added 2ppm
Day 65
Notes: Missed testing today. Christmas parties and such...
Day 66
Nitrite = 1
Notes: The drops slowly turned a slight purple - that was the first real sign that something was changing. The result seems to be confirmed in the thread: my nitrite is all the way down to 1.
Day 67
Nitrite = 0.5
pH = 7.8
Notes: So close to having nitrite hit bottom for the first time! I missed ammonia dosing for two days now. Hopefully I'm not just seeing nitrite fall because ammonia is not being processed. Still, it's another good sign! Added 3ppm
Day 68
Ammonia = 0.5
Nitrite = 0.5
Notes: Added 3ppm
Day 69 12hr
Ammonia = 1.0
Nitrite = 0.5
Notes: missed 24hr and dose
Day 70 12hr
Ammonia = 0.5
Nitrite = 0.0
Notes: woot! Now I just need to get ammonia processing 5ppm again
Day 70 24hr
Ammonia = 0.0
Notes: added 5ml (or what i thought was 5ppm)
Day 71 12hr
Ammonia = 8+
Notes: i obviously screwed up the ammonia dosage amount again. i forgot at the beginning i settled on a lower number of ml for 5ppm
Day 71 24hr
Ammonia = 8.0
Notes: it looks in between 8 and 4 now but if i had to pick one of the two it would be 8.
Day 72 24hr
Ammonia = 1.0
Notes: waiting to hit 0 again so i can be sure about proper dosage level again
Day 73
Ammonia = 0.25
Notes: added 3ml
Day 74
Notes: missed test and dose today
Day 75
Ammonia = 0.25
Notes: added 3ml
Day 76 12hr
Ammonia = 1.0
Day 76 24hr
Ammonia = 0.5
Nitrite = 0
pH = 7.8
Day 77 24hr
Ammonia = 0.0
Notes: added 3ml
Day 78 24hr
Ammonia = 0.0
Notes: added 3ml
Day 79 12hr
Ammonia = 1.0
Notes: added 3ml at 24hr
Day 80 No testing. Added 2-3ml
Day 81 No testing. Added 2-3ml
Day 82 No testing. Added 2-3ml
Day 83 No testing. Added 2-3ml
Day 84 12hr
Ammonia = 4.0
Notes: I've been sick and injured the past week, so haven't been testing. Managed to at least dose every night though. I don't think the ammonia was clearing each day so it built up a little. Ended up not dosing tonight as level was still high enough
Day 85
Ammonia = 0.5
Notes: Added about 1ml and retested, only went up to about 1.0, although I had retested an hour or two later.
Day 86
Ammonia = 0.0
Notes: Added 2.5ml
Day 87
Ammonia = 1.0
Notes: Added 2.5ml
Day 88-106 Ammonia = 1.0 Added ~3ml
Day 107 Ammonia = 0.25 Added ~3ml (finally, almost zero...)
Day 108-109 Ammonia = 0.25 Added ~3ml
Day 110 Missed testing and dosing
Day 111 Added ~2ml in the AM, PM: Ammonia = 0.5 Added 2.5ml
Day 112 Missed testing and dosing. I thought I was being way more consistent and then I miss two days (this and day 110)
Day 113 Ammonia = 0.0, Added 3ml
Day 114-116 Ammonia = 0.5, Added 2.5ml
Day 117 Ammonia = 0.25 Added 3ml
Day 118 Ammonia = 1.0 Added 2ml
Day 119 pH = 6.0! 90% water change, filter cleaning, missed dosing. pH after water change = 7.8
Day 120 Added 3ml late (at least a few hours later than normal time)
Day 121 Ammonia = 1.0, Added 2ml
Day 122 Ammonia = 1.0, pH = 7.8, Added 2ml
Day 123 Ammonia = 0.5 Added 2ml
Day 124-125 Ammonia = 0.25 Added 2.5ml
Day 126 Missed testing, Added 2.5ml about 3 hr late
Day 127 Ammonia = 0.0 Added 3ml
Day 128 Ammonia = 0.25 Added 3ml
Day 129 Ammonia = 0.25, pH = 7.6 Added 3ml
Day 130 Added 1tbs of baking soda, Ammonia = 0.0, pH = 7.8 (2hr after soda was added)
Day 131 12hr Ammonia = 3 24 hr Ammonia = 0, added more soda ph = 8.6, added 2.5ml
Day 132 Ammonia = 0.5 Added 2.5ml
Day 133 Ammonia = 0.25 Added 2.5ml
Day 134 60% water change (due to cleaning) No test or dose
Day 135 No test. Added 2.5ml
Day 136 Ammonia = 0.0 Added 2.5 ml
Day 137 Ammonia = 0.0, pH = 8.2, Nitrite = 5+, Added 2.5ml
Day 138-144 Ammonia = 0.0, Nitrite = 5+, Missed dosing
Day 145 Nitrite = 0.0 Added 2.5ml
Day 146 Ammonia = 0.0 , Nitrite = 1.0 Added 2.5ml
Day 147 Ammonia = 0.0, Nitrite = 0.0 Added 2.5ml
Day 148 Ammonia = 0.0, Nitrite = 1.0 Added 2.5ml
Day 149-154 Ammonia = 0.0, Nitrite = 1-3 Added 2.5ml
Day 155 Ammonia = 0.0, Nitrite = 1 Added 2.5ml
pH = 8.0
Ammonia = 0.5
Nitrate = 0.0
Nitrite = 0.0
Notes = Added 4ml of 10% ammonia - used the calculator but put too much i think. 20 mins later (enough time?) tested again and it looked like it was somewhere between 5-8, but definitely over 5 =/ hopefully not past 8
I'm a bit surprised by the ammonia reading. I'm guessing it's either in the tap (although I never saw that with my previous tests with strips) or the tank somehow had some left over from running with used filter for days (but i cleaned it completely out 2 days ago with tap water, let it sit overnight, then filled it last night with tap)
also, i'm wondering about the api test kit i'm now using (we beginners usually have questions about it when we start using it). i've got no problems with the tests themselves including reading the results, but i'm wondering if its okay to clean the tube after testing and not dry it all the way? is it okay to have a few drops of tap in it for the next test?
one last thing, does this mean i dont add ammonia until i see zero? or do i try to get it to 5?
Day 2
Ammonia = 7.0 (i think - could be higher but to me it doesnt look worse than the darkest green. hard for me to tell)
pH,Nitrate,Nitrite = Is it really necessary to even test these at this point?
Not sure if I should just wait for the ammonia to go down, or do a small water change to try to get it closer to 5
Day 3
Ammonia = 7.0
Nitrite = 0.0
Notes: Considering using media from my betta tank. Yesterday I got my heater going and I'm not positive of the temperature, but my scale goes to 82F and it's not reading it. It's probably a few degrees higher - the water definitely feels warm.
Also, it looks like some people didn't start seeing results for almost too weeks, so I'm going to try to not worry too much and be patient
Day 4
Notes = As advised, did a water change (40%) to get ammonia down because it seemed it was too high. Test didn't change much after that so did another 50% water change. Now the level is definitely too low *sigh*. I'm having trouble getting the level just right. For some reason this is the hardest test for me to read, not to mention judge how much to adjust with. Going to go slowly add some more in this time, and hopefully get a good test result
Ammonia = 4-6
Nitrite = 0
Day 5
Ammonia = 4-6
Nitrite = 0
Notes: Still no signs of bacteria buildup. Hopefully I don't have chlorine in the water, but I feel like if anything, I used too much conditioner.
Day 6
Ammonia = 4-6
Day 7
Ammonia = 4-6
Nitrite = 0
Day 8
Ammonia = 2-6
Nitrite = 0
pH = 8
Notes: Not absolutely sure that it's lower, but it seems that way
Day 9
Ammonia = 4
Notes: I think it's been at 4 all along. Nothing different still... and btw the reason I've been testing nitrite sometimes without an ammonia drop is because I wanted to make sure I wasn't just reading the ammonia incorrectly
Day 10
Ammonia = 1.75!
Nitrite = 0.15!
Day 11
Ammonia = 1.0
Nitrite = 0.25
Day 12
Ammonia = 0.75
Nitrite = 0.5
pH = 8.0
Day 13
Ammonia = 0.75
Nitrite = 0.75
Day 14
Ammonia = 0.75
Nitrite = 1.0
Day 15
Ammonia = 0.6
Day 16
Ammonia = 0.25
Day 17
Ammonia = 0.0
Nitrite = 1.0
Notes: added 3ml 10% ammonia
Day 18
Ammonia = 3.0
Nitrite = 3.0
Day 19
Ammonia = 0.0
Nitrite = 4.0
Notes: added 3ml
Day 20
Ammonia = 0.0
Nitrite = 4.0
Nitrate = 5.0
Notes: added 4ml (~4ppm)
Day 21 Three week mark
Ammonia = 0.0
Nitrite = 5+
pH = 7.8
Notes: added 4ml
Day 22
Ammonia = 0.0
Nitrite = 5+
Nitrate = 7.5
Notes: added 5ml (~5ppm)
Day 23
Ammonia = 0.0
Nitrite = 5+
ph = 7.4
Notes: added 5ml
Day 24
Ammonia = 0.0
Nitrite = 5+
Day 25
Nitrite = 5+
Day 26
Nitrite = 5+
Notes: missed ammonia dosing the last couple nights. today i added 2ppm in the morning and again at night
Day 27
Ammonia = 0.0
Nitrite = 5+
pH = 7.4
Notes: added 2ppm
Day 28
Ammonia = 0.0
Nitrite = 5+
Notes: added 2ppm the following morning
Day 29
Nitrite = 5+
Notes: ah the smell of ammonia in the morning added 2ppm the following morning again
Day 30
Nitrite = 5+
Notes: forgot to dose ammonia tonight AND the next morning i think since i'm only testing a single drop (for nitrite) i keep moving on and forgetting about it. hopefully i'm not ruining the cycle too much
Day 31
Nitrite = 5+
pH = 7.2
Notes: added 3ppm
Day 32
Ammonia = 0.2
Nitrite = 5+
pH = 7.2
Notes: Past 1 month now. I'm worried I've messed up with the ammonia too much. My tank failed to clear a low 3ppm in 24 hours. I'm guessing it's probably okay for now though, considering the nitrite is still off the charts and there's plenty of time to get the ammonia processing to a satisfying level
Day 33
Ammonia = 0.0
Nitrite = 5+ Notes: Added 2ppm
Day 34 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: forgot to add ammonia
Day 35 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: added 2ppm
Day 36 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: added 2ppm
Day 37
Nitrite = 5+ pH = 6.8 i see u pH Notes: added 2ppm
Day 38 Nitrite = 5+
Day 39 Nitrite = 5+ pH = 6.6 Notes: Did a 75% water change + added 3ppm
Day 40 Ammonia = 0.0 Nitrite = 5+ pH = 7.8 Notes: nitrite still off the charts after water change. pH is good again though. resuming like normal. added 2ppm
Day 41 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: added 2ppm
Day 42 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: added 2ppm
Day 43 Nitrite = 5+
Day 44 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: added 2ppm
Day 45 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: added 2ppm
Day 46 Nitrite = 5+ pH = 7.8 Notes: added 2ppm
Day 47 Nitrite = 5+ pH = 7.6 Notes: added 2ppm
Day 48 Nitrite = 5+ pH = 7.4
Day 49 Nitrite = 5+ pH = 7.4 Notes: added 2ppm
Day 50 Nitrite = 5+ ph = 7.4
Day 51 Nitrite = 5+ ph = 7.4 Notes: added 2ppm
Day 52 Nitrite = 5+
Day 53 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: added 2ppm
Day 54 Nitrite = 5+ pH = 7.3
Day 55 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: added 2ppm
Day 56 Nitrite = 5+
Day 57 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: added 2ppm
Day 58 Nitrite = 5+
Day 59
Nitrite = 5+
Nitrate = 15
pH = 7.3
Notes: Did a 90% water change
Day 60
Nitrite = 5+
pH = 7.8
Notes: Oh joy, even a 90% water change failed to make a difference. Added 3ppm
Day 61 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: Added 2ppm
Day 62 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: Added 2ppm
Day 63 Nitrite = 5+ Notes: Added 2ppm
Day 64
Nitrite = 5
Notes: It could be higher, but the hue is VERY close to matching the 5 on the chart. Added 2ppm
Day 65
Notes: Missed testing today. Christmas parties and such...
Day 66
Nitrite = 1
Notes: The drops slowly turned a slight purple - that was the first real sign that something was changing. The result seems to be confirmed in the thread: my nitrite is all the way down to 1.
Day 67
Nitrite = 0.5
pH = 7.8
Notes: So close to having nitrite hit bottom for the first time! I missed ammonia dosing for two days now. Hopefully I'm not just seeing nitrite fall because ammonia is not being processed. Still, it's another good sign! Added 3ppm
Day 68
Ammonia = 0.5
Nitrite = 0.5
Notes: Added 3ppm
Day 69 12hr
Ammonia = 1.0
Nitrite = 0.5
Notes: missed 24hr and dose
Day 70 12hr
Ammonia = 0.5
Nitrite = 0.0
Notes: woot! Now I just need to get ammonia processing 5ppm again
Day 70 24hr
Ammonia = 0.0
Notes: added 5ml (or what i thought was 5ppm)
Day 71 12hr
Ammonia = 8+
Notes: i obviously screwed up the ammonia dosage amount again. i forgot at the beginning i settled on a lower number of ml for 5ppm
Day 71 24hr
Ammonia = 8.0
Notes: it looks in between 8 and 4 now but if i had to pick one of the two it would be 8.
Day 72 24hr
Ammonia = 1.0
Notes: waiting to hit 0 again so i can be sure about proper dosage level again
Day 73
Ammonia = 0.25
Notes: added 3ml
Day 74
Notes: missed test and dose today
Day 75
Ammonia = 0.25
Notes: added 3ml
Day 76 12hr
Ammonia = 1.0
Day 76 24hr
Ammonia = 0.5
Nitrite = 0
pH = 7.8
Day 77 24hr
Ammonia = 0.0
Notes: added 3ml
Day 78 24hr
Ammonia = 0.0
Notes: added 3ml
Day 79 12hr
Ammonia = 1.0
Notes: added 3ml at 24hr
Day 80 No testing. Added 2-3ml
Day 81 No testing. Added 2-3ml
Day 82 No testing. Added 2-3ml
Day 83 No testing. Added 2-3ml
Day 84 12hr
Ammonia = 4.0
Notes: I've been sick and injured the past week, so haven't been testing. Managed to at least dose every night though. I don't think the ammonia was clearing each day so it built up a little. Ended up not dosing tonight as level was still high enough
Day 85
Ammonia = 0.5
Notes: Added about 1ml and retested, only went up to about 1.0, although I had retested an hour or two later.
Day 86
Ammonia = 0.0
Notes: Added 2.5ml
Day 87
Ammonia = 1.0
Notes: Added 2.5ml
Day 88-106 Ammonia = 1.0 Added ~3ml
Day 107 Ammonia = 0.25 Added ~3ml (finally, almost zero...)
Day 108-109 Ammonia = 0.25 Added ~3ml
Day 110 Missed testing and dosing
Day 111 Added ~2ml in the AM, PM: Ammonia = 0.5 Added 2.5ml
Day 112 Missed testing and dosing. I thought I was being way more consistent and then I miss two days (this and day 110)
Day 113 Ammonia = 0.0, Added 3ml
Day 114-116 Ammonia = 0.5, Added 2.5ml
Day 117 Ammonia = 0.25 Added 3ml
Day 118 Ammonia = 1.0 Added 2ml
Day 119 pH = 6.0! 90% water change, filter cleaning, missed dosing. pH after water change = 7.8
Day 120 Added 3ml late (at least a few hours later than normal time)
Day 121 Ammonia = 1.0, Added 2ml
Day 122 Ammonia = 1.0, pH = 7.8, Added 2ml
Day 123 Ammonia = 0.5 Added 2ml
Day 124-125 Ammonia = 0.25 Added 2.5ml
Day 126 Missed testing, Added 2.5ml about 3 hr late
Day 127 Ammonia = 0.0 Added 3ml
Day 128 Ammonia = 0.25 Added 3ml
Day 129 Ammonia = 0.25, pH = 7.6 Added 3ml
Day 130 Added 1tbs of baking soda, Ammonia = 0.0, pH = 7.8 (2hr after soda was added)
Day 131 12hr Ammonia = 3 24 hr Ammonia = 0, added more soda ph = 8.6, added 2.5ml
Day 132 Ammonia = 0.5 Added 2.5ml
Day 133 Ammonia = 0.25 Added 2.5ml
Day 134 60% water change (due to cleaning) No test or dose
Day 135 No test. Added 2.5ml
Day 136 Ammonia = 0.0 Added 2.5 ml
Day 137 Ammonia = 0.0, pH = 8.2, Nitrite = 5+, Added 2.5ml
Day 138-144 Ammonia = 0.0, Nitrite = 5+, Missed dosing
Day 145 Nitrite = 0.0 Added 2.5ml
Day 146 Ammonia = 0.0 , Nitrite = 1.0 Added 2.5ml
Day 147 Ammonia = 0.0, Nitrite = 0.0 Added 2.5ml
Day 148 Ammonia = 0.0, Nitrite = 1.0 Added 2.5ml
Day 149-154 Ammonia = 0.0, Nitrite = 1-3 Added 2.5ml
Day 155 Ammonia = 0.0, Nitrite = 1 Added 2.5ml