Just Set Up My First Proper Cherry Shrimp Tank...


Fish Crazy
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
Scotland - In the middle
The tank is 60x30x30cm and has about 30 shrimp in it at the moment (most of them still young)

I'd like to add some small fish. Do you think that White Cloud Mountain Minnows would be okay. They are one of the smallest fish I can think of.

I've heard that Ottos will mix well but I've not been able to get my hands on any.

Any advice would be great.
Nearly every fish poses a threat to shrimps, however its regarded that oto's are shrimp safe. WCMM while they may be small will still snack on shrimplets when they can. I would have thought though that the shrimp population will increase as long as theres enough cover.

WCMM arn't really tropical fish, so temperature might be an issue, Cherry shrimp can tolerate a wide range however but too much on the cool side and they won't breed as much/not at all, so it might be something to think about. Maybe a smaller tropical species of fish if you want to have fish in with the shrimp.

THIS article should help
i keep my white clouds and shrimp all together my tanks are kept at 24c and the white clouds are fine and spawning at that temp
as long as the tank is planted the shrimp shouldnt have any problems

i have lots of shrimplets in my aquaone with limias , wcminnows and neons

yes the limias will eat them if they see the shrimps jump around but most of the shrimplets are too quick to get munched

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