just saying hi!!!!


New Member
Aug 16, 2003
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just found this forum from a search looks like a friendly place, I'm new to fish keeping, I have only had my tank up and running for a month and a bit it had some trouble to begin with and I lost some fish :sad: but its on the right track now.
I have a 60 litre tank as thats all I could afford at the mo (would love a bigger tank) I have some mollies, guppies, two alonzo teras and a plec with the fish shop sold me it as a marble plec but I think its a bristle (any help here would be nice) :crazy: . my female guppy has given birth this morning so I have a few more of them.:fish:
now I have introduced myself hope to here from you guys.
Welcome to the forum, come in and make yourself at home. :D Congrats on the fry, they are great, alot of fun to watch grow. Glad to have you here and look forward to hearing more about your little guys. Sandy
thanks youguys for making me welcome, I have had a few days of fun trying to catch my fry and putting them in a breeding net with was some fun, couldnt seethem most of the time,

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