Just Picked Up A 40Ltr Tank

I'd say so mate... as we discussed, the bio load from shrimp alone would be so, so small..but a fully cycled filter would probably be the safest route to take.
Did you increase the temperature? This will always help in any type of fishless cycle.
Love the piece of wood, but i think you can expect some more tannis to be released...i got used to the look after a while and it tended to act as a 'reminder' if my water change regime went over 10-12 days.
Any micro fish really do enjoy and sometimes need some kind of floating plants...do you have any of that stuff left you was going to drop round mine? Chilli Rasbora would LOVE that!
I still have some very gunky, old mature sponge left from the big tank in my 30L..if all else fails i'm more than happy to donate some again !?
Be interesting to see how this goes and what you finally stock it with...those Orange Shrimp in Wyevale get more tempting each time i go there!
I added 15 cherry shrimp to my tank and I haven't seen them since...really hoping my angels or barbs didn't eat them 

I agree, def. best to play it safe and try the mature media, then at least you won't have to worry about spikes and such.
Just had a go putting some java moss/fern in from my main tank. I've attached the moss to some stainless steel mess, will get some more small moss balls and some twisted vallis for the back and hopefully it will look nice........... and grow!



I've turned the temp up TA to around 31 degrees, hope it don't cook the plants!!!! 
Ammonia has dropped to 2.0ppm (was 4.0ppm 12 hours ago) and nitrite is up to 0.50ppm. Looking good (great to have some mature media to hand!). I would think another few days or so and it'll be ready for some fishies! Debating now when ammonia drop's to zero whether to dose to 2.0ppm or back to 4.0ppm? 
I would dose to 2ppm.... i really don't think you are aiming for that high a bio-load, plus the mature media in there is doing most of the work at the moment anyway.
Thoughts on stocking?
PS- Please don't buy any moss balls... i have 3/4 to hand from the big tank going spare.
Hi Mate,
Probably 6-12 dwarf rasbora (maybe galaxy rasbora) and then shrimp (quite like the CRS) and maybe a pygmy cory or otto when tank matures a bit . Both(rasbora/shrimp) seem pretty expensive for tinsey wincey fish!! Also pretty limited around here at the moment. Don't you want the moss balls for your small tank? Shrimp love them apparently?
Forgot to mention the floating plants I had (duckweed) that used to grow like mad and I had to keep taking some out is nearly down to nothing since adding 2 hatchet fish! They eat it like mad and can hardly get any to grow now!!
Had a bit of a blip earlier on, the PH dropped to 6.8 (usually 7.6) so I did a 50% water change the ammonia was 0.25ppm this morning and 0ppm after the water change so added 2ml now back up to 4.0ppm. Was only going to aim for 2.0ppm but forgot, DOH! PH now back to 7.6ppm. Will be interesting to see what the readings are in the morning. 
Checked at 8.00am and Ammonia still @ 4.0ppm and the PH as dropped slightly to 7.2ppm  (tap water 7.6ppm) I think I'm going to have to get a little crushed coral to put into the filter. And there's me thinking that it would be a easy, quick process after adding some mature media!
Added some crushed coral (given to me by The Taffy Apple, cheers mate) and PH still on the low side (6.7 - 6.8) been doing a bit of internet searching and there are a lot of comments that Mopani Wood lowers the PH, and as mine is currently leaching tannin I'm assuming this could be the reason my PH is slightly lower? The ammonia is still dropping (4.0ppm @ 8.00am & 1.0ppm @ 20.15). Nitrite currently greater than 5.0ppm  and Nitrate 20ppm. So I think things are proceeding as they should be (currently on day 10) ......................
Driftwood of just about any kind def. lowers the pH a bit.  Weird that you can't get the cycle moving along better with mature donor media.  I've spiked all my tanks from the original 20 gallon I started with.  Sure there were a few spikes here & there but I've got a system going now.  I keep extra felt in all the filters in the event of a crash.  It's bailed me out more than once.
Tank looks good, I'll be following this thread to see your progress. :)
Ruskull said:
Driftwood of just about any kind def. lowers the pH a bit.  Weird that you can't get the cycle moving along better with mature donor media.  I've spiked all my tanks from the original 20 gallon I started with.  Sure there were a few spikes here & there but I've got a system going now.  I keep extra felt in all the filters in the event of a crash.  It's bailed me out more than once.
Tank looks good, I'll be following this thread to see your progress.
That's what I thought regarding mature donor media, it's reducing the ammonia reasonably well but not the nitrites at the moment, oh well 

8.00 am
Ammonia - 0ppm
Nitrite - 5.0ppm
P.H - 6.7 - 6.8ppm
Dosed 1.8ml ammonia
Ammonia @ 8.30 - 2.0ppm
Had a bit of a battle with the PH level the last 2 days so I ended up taking the wood out and soaking it in a bucket doing a couple of water changes per day (I'll put it back in at a later date). PH still low so I did an 80% water change at lunchtime today and just tested the PH and it's fine. I changed the water etc as the ammonia processing seemed to be slowing down. Still no sign of nitrites reducing...
I'm sure you'll see some progress soon with the nitrites, keep up the good work.
Just checked levels this morning @ 8.00am and PH has droppped again from 7.6 - 7.0ppm so I don't know why this is happening? I've taken the wood out, maybe it;s because the ammonia being added is dropping it while cycling? Ammonia is still being processed from 4.0ppm @ lunchtime yesterday to 0.50ppm this morning.

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